The following is the transcript of a session of communication between six human beings and a non-human intelligence. This communication was achieved via a process known as "channeling" i.e. telepathic communication with one member of the group acting as a channel or "instrument" while the others took turns questioning the entity.
Throughout the communication, the channel was receiving mental transference of emotions, concepts and imagery as the words were being relayed. This will be noted throughout in italicized script and lends to a fuller picture of this contact.
The below transcript begins after the channel makes contact with the entity. She challenges them three times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once the entity meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, the entity initiates communication.
March 9th, 2025
Total Time: 47 minutes 01 seconds
Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious
Yes, we are The Angels. We are here with you at this time. We have made our contact with this instrument and are integrating our energies into her being.
The instrument feels an increasingly intense energy move through her being. The energy feels loving but beyond our concept of love. It feels blissful and ecstatic.
We are The Angels. We are most, most joyous to be with you at this time. We have been long awaiting this opportunity for communication. It is our intention at this time to open the dialogue with you. We have watched you for a long time. We have been with you in part because of your requests. You request our presence. You request us in your daily prayer and in each session of channeling and we are most honored to answer these requests.
We have watched you for some time and we are aware of that which you have been doing, all of the light which is coming forth into this plane. Your group has been moving in great stride along this pathway. An unexpected journey and yet very much meant to be, for each has fallen into the correct place so that the wheels may turn so that the pattern may be formed, and the full pattern is yet to reveal itself.
The instrument is given visuals from the perspective of these beings. Their watching of the group since its first meeting and the members individually.
We seek to at this time open the dialogue with you. We seek to at this time be of service to you in the ways which you have requested. You have sought to bring forth light into this plane and you have sought to look into the darkness and to bring the light directly into this darkness.
For many eons of time, we have been. We have been and we have watched. We have looked into the sphere of your plane and we have moved in the realms which are unseen and unknown to you. We have moved in this realm and we have pierced into the sphere of your plane and we have made ourselves known in a variety of ways.
We are with those who request us to be. We are with those who are in need of our service. When we find an opening for such service, when we find a calling for such service, we do answer this calling. We are known to you as The Angels.
You have heard our song and you have even seen the flutter of our wings. We are beings who are unlike yourselves and yet we are. We are symbiotic in the creation of life. We are a portion of that which you cannot see, but what you can feel when you tune into the finer energies about your being, when your eyes begin to open to all that is and is around you.
We are here at your request. We are here because we have been looking. We are here because we have sought for some time such a mechanism of energy exchange.
Questioner May I ask a question?
Angels Yes
1.1 Questioner So you mentioned that the pattern is yet to be shown and I'm wondering if you can expand on that at all?
Angels Yes. The pattern of life. You are a portion of the pattern. This instrument, a portion of the pattern. Each of you here, a portion of the pattern and you are weaving a design of your making. A design which appears at surface level to be but zigzagging lines. It is difficult at your point of experience, at your level of vision, to see the full picture and as it stands now you see only a portion. It does not appear to be a pattern. A mandala is what it is. You are in a mandala and you only see that which is most near to you. Each movement you make, it is part of the design, the pattern. It is symmetrical and yet you cannot perceive at this time its symmetry. It is still being created. Is there a follow up to this?
1.2 Questioner Not necessarily a follow up but a question of knowing that I have an angel that walks with me as one of my guides. Can you share if others in the group have angels who walk with them as guides in a sense?
Angels Yes. Each of you has angels who have become attracted to you, your opening of your heart and your pursuance of the path of the open heart. Each of you has angels who have been with you for periods of time in this sense, yes. Each of you has angels who are with you.
Questioner Thank you.
1.3 Questioner I actually have a follow up to the first question. You said we can only see what is nearest to us in the mandala. What can we do to see the larger picture of the pattern of the mandala? What can we do to get a wider perspective and not just see what's closest to us?
Angels Time. It is time for you. You perceive this as time in the experience which you presently enjoy. It is time which shows you the full picture.
This phrase “only time will tell” is relevant here and thus faith is an attribute which is most beneficial to have in such an endeavor. For it is true that you cannot perceive the mandala in its fullness at your present level of perception and so there is an element of faith which is needed that the zigzag and swirling seemingly nonsensical patterns which are walked are indeed a portion of a symmetrical creation.
At this time, we have sought this group to open up a dialogue with you. We have sought this group to pursue in the individual context that which has come to your mind... that which has grown in its presence and persistence.
1.4 Questioner I'm most interested in the phrase you mentioned "energy exchange". I understand that this is something we might achieve by calling on you. We might achieve an energy exchange with the angels. I find this fascinating. Can you say more about this please?
Angels Yes. An energy exchange. This is inevitable in this type of communication, and we have sought this type of communication for this purpose. An energy exchange is one which is of equal value, for we to obtain as we relay. It is an equal exchange, and we wish to answer the calling for our particular vibration of energy to enter your plane of experience.
In such an exchange we gain… we gain the human experience. We have not walked as you walk. We have not seen as you have seen. Unlike the beings with which this instrument has communicated in the past through the construct of this group, we have not walked your plane. We have not seen through your eyes, but we have felt your heart in our hearts, for we are too children of the One Infinite Creator.
The instrument senses a feeling of profound curiosity from these beings. Something has occurred which has triggered a deep interest in our experience.
You experience what you have termed to be the “third density” and this is not our experience. Our experience is quite different. We are of your confluence. We are of your planet earth. We believe that we could be of service to you at this time, for there is information which you are seeking and as we have stated you have called on us and we will answer. We have answered you in many ways. We have sought to relate to you through feeling, through other types of energy exchange. Few of you have heard us, have heard us sing. One of you has seen us. One of you has seen something like us.
It is unclear here whether the "you" these beings are referring to is in the context of this group or humanity as a whole.
We believe that we could best be of service to you at this time in the facing of the “shadow”. There is a collective shadow self. You are familiar with the individual shadow self, this concept. There too is a collective shadow self of this planet. There is a “shadow self" always to all things, as there is a “light self". You may meet the collective shadow self through the individual work of the shadow self.
There is no distinction between the individual shadow self-work and the collective shadow self-work. On the scale which you see, you see it is immense. However, a droplet in a pool may change its entire configuration. This is what we seek to offer you at this time.
1.5 Questioner I see the droplet in the pool. I see how the circle goes round and round and round and gets bigger and goes out and I wonder, what is it that we can do to pull that shadow piece? Whether it's individual or collective so that we can, I don't know, somehow dissipate it or make it larger so it can be seen? Or what are some tactics, I guess, that we could use for seeing our shadow self, collective or individual?
Angels Yes, this is what we seek. This is what we seek to work together on at this time. It is difficult to explain to you in this way where there is a great emphasis on the separation. We wish to emphasize then that the collective shadow self and the individual shadow self are one and the same. One who seeks to work on their own shadow, to see the shadow, to bring this into the light, too, equally works on the collective shadow. It is the same work. The inclination, the energy, which is the pattern, which is created by one's doing of such work is communicated. It is communicated to the collective. It is a vibration which is created and thus the droplet becomes the ripple which moves across the surface.
We seek to at this time work with each of you. We understand that this type of communication, this type of working is not familiar to you, for you are used to a generalized "question and answer” sort of learning and teaching and in this regard, we may maintain this framework. But we wish to work with you individually and as a whole. We believe that it is well to perhaps find a foundation upon which to begin.
The instrument perceives the feeling that these beings wish to not only respond to questions but to ask questions of their own. That there is interest in our responses to them. The words "dialogue" and "conversation" are emphasized as images in the instrument's mind.
We wish to meet with you again. We do not seek to at this time initiate such an exchange for it is not fair, we have deduced on our end, to initiate this at the same time of its introduction.
1.6 Questioner Is there something that we can do to prepare as individuals to aid in our connection with you?
Angels Yes. There is trepidation which creates a barrier to the energy exchange. Thus, an energy of openness is advised to be embraced. In your societal cultural complex, you are adverse to openness in such a way... there is a need to shelter and to protect… to be unreachable and we would say that in this exchange, a willingness to acknowledge this barrier and to create a door by which one may walk through would be most conducive.
Here the instrument is relayed the obstacle or dilemma that these beings are experiencing in this communication. They sense the trepidation in the group and that prevents them from communicating more in depth at this time. They are very limited in this session by our own inhibitions.
We would also advise that as you move about your day, you pay close attention to that which causes you distress, anger, hatred, resentment, disgust, frustration and ultimately at the root, separation.
It is emphasized to the instrument that these beings view all of the above emotional descriptor words as synonyms for "separation".
Those beings, those environments, those situations, those faces, those sounds, those words, those phrases, the many themes. We ask that you make note of these and bring these to the next session so that we may open a dialogue of exchange.
Already you have found that each of you has stepped onto this path and the timing here is of no coincidence... unless you feel it as such. We would at this time open this communication to questions regarding this communication.
1.6 Questioner Many of our group and some of our friends received the name “Seraphim” in relation to this contact. I wanted to ask if we are speaking to the Seraphim or just angels in general or what you would prefer to be known as or identify yourself as?
Angels Yes, we have used the term “angel” for when this contact request was relayed to this instrument, this was the term that was most available to her. It is not that this is inaccurate. It is that this is a term of human construction, and it is in reference to a great many beings, many types of beings, vibrations and energies. It is a very broad term which has many diverse meanings.
The instrument receives a flash of many images of many types of beings from the winged angel with the halo, to aliens to a fellow human etc. She is relayed the understanding that the term "angel" is like the term "fruit" and has been used to describe many types of beings who radiate with love and selfless service.
“Seraphim" is a word that was relayed to this instrument. Although this too has many meanings, many interpretations, we find that the word itself, the etymology is accurate. What we call ourselves, we could not relay for it is not a spoken term. We are “The Burning Ones". A fire that cleanses, a fire which purifies. You may refer to us as such, “The Burning Ones”. We may receive any further query.
1.7 Questioner Some of us are having physical problems, some of us are having psychic problems, some of us have been in actual physical danger. Is there anything we can do to lengthen our time here in this place where we are so we can spread as much light as possible for as long as possible? Can you help us with this?
The Burning Ones A deep question. We may be of most help to you, we find, in the emphasis of the eternal light. Your time as it has been designated here has been written in the sand. Predetermined.
The instrument receives an image of symbols written in the sand only to be blown away by the wind. The concept of permanence/impermanence is emphasized.
Many who have sought to prolong the life beyond that which is natural, shall we say, have embarked upon the many paths of the pursuance of what you would call "immortality". We seek not to embark upon this road with you.
The instrument attempts to provide clarification through mental thought to these beings that the questioner was referring to overall wellbeing of the mind/body/spirit and not to prolonging lifespan, but this does not seem to be able to be adequately translated.
We seek to emphasize the eternal light within the many obstacles you face here in your experience. The many obstacles which you face here in your current experience are of your construction and we seek to be of assistance in their deconstruction and reconstruction. We'll seek to end this session at this time unless there is a final query.
1.8 Questioner I guess what comes to me is that there's, or what I'm hearing is there's the eternal light. There is our inner fire which plays into our shadows and then there is the angelic fire that we are being blessed [with]. We are, I guess, to try to figure out how we can work with that so that we can seek more eternal light. Am I on the right path?
The instrument feels a surge of intense and "glowing" energy from these beings as this question is being relayed.
The Burning Ones Yes, very much so. There is a theme here. It is an allegory of understanding for that which is not tangible for that which remains unspoken. The eternal flame is one which burns. It burns not of destruction or consumption, but of analysis, of integration, of purification, transformation. We will explore this fire together.
Questioner Thank you.
The Burning Ones We seek to end this session at this time, for we have left you with much to ponder. We wish to come together again with an openness to walk through these doors that the droplet may ripple, that you may see in a way that has been most difficult to grasp... the Oneness of all things. We leave you now with our blessings and our love.
Post Session Notes
This was a most surprising and unusual channeling session for our group to say the least. The request for this communication came through at the beginning of February and was quite unexpected as we have not been seeking nor anticipating any further contacts. The only information that was relayed at that time was that beings called "The Angels" were requesting to communicate with our group and that they chose our group because of our focus on service to others and "reach" (we are not sure what that means). Later the word "seraphim" came into Anika's mind repeatedly and strongly. It was odd because as Anika was raised well outside of the Judeo-Christian paradigm, she knew almost nothing about angels and nothing at all about this unfamiliar word. Focused research on the biblical mentions of "seraphim" including Isaiah's vision from the Old Testament and Ezekiel as well as the Hebrew and other historical religious texts were explored to help provide some context for this contact.
The group had a long discussion post session and has decided to explore this contact further. The feel that we get is that this is an "experimental" contact, on both sides, and this is very intriguing to us. These beings really emphasized that they want to have a "dialogue", and our interest is certainly piqued in that regard.
The synchronicities here are also noteworthy and for that, as it was mentioned in the communication, we would like to provide some background. Between the time that this communication request was relayed and the session taking place, several members of the group and many in the Red Cord Community in fact, seemed to have the sudden inclination to explore shadow work to a much more vigorous degree than previous. With one member actually spontaneously attending a seminar on the topic of the "negative aspect of the mind" shortly before this session. This was all discussed at our meeting before the communication began and the coincidental theme caught our attention.
We are most grateful and excited to find ourselves yet again on another adventure into the unknown. We give thanks to all who have taken the time to read this communication and are as intrigued and inspired by it as we are. Thank you for joining us on this journey in open hearts and minds.
"The name seraphim clearly indicates their ceaseless and eternal revolution
about Divine Principles, their heat and keenness, the exuberance of their intense, perpetual, tireless activity, and their elevative and energetic assimilation of those below, kindling them and firing them to their own heat, and wholly purifying them by a burning and
all-consuming flame; and by the unhidden, unquenchable, changeless, radiant and enlightening power, dispelling and destroying the shadows of darkness"
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Celestial Hierarchy