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The Atlantean Contact

The following is a transcript of a session of communication between six human beings and a non human intelligence; an extraterrestrial entity. This entity advises that it came to earth approximately 13,000 years ago and shared knowledge with the civilization known to us as "Atlantis" which eventually led to that civilization's destruction through war. The knowledge they shared was intended to help these beings, to help with healing and spiritual evolution but was ultimately used to create devastating weapons.

This communication was achieved via process known as channeling i.e. telepathic communication with one member of the group acting as a channel. The preparation for this specific contact took about two weeks with unique instructions for each member and the group as a whole. The date for the contact was specifically chosen by this entity.

We wish to relay our deepest gratitude to all who shared their prayers, meditations and other methods of support with us for this session from afar. We definitely felt all of it! In fact, we felt quite insulated in these layers of love and protection.

Throughout the communication, the channel was receiving mental transference of emotions, concepts and imagery as the words were being relayed. This will be noted throughout in the italicized script and lends to a fuller picture of this contact.

The below transcript begins after the channel makes contact with the entity. She challenges them three times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once the entity meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, the entity initiates communication.

January 19th, 2025

Total Time: 56 minutes 08 seconds

Type of Channeling: Energy Body

We are the entity who aided those of Atlantis thirteen thousand years ago. We have long awaited a channel to receive our communication. We have long awaited a group who would receive our communication. It has been a very long time since we have communicated in such a manner. It has been many thousands of years since we last communicated through a channel such as this. We are finer tuning our configuration to that of this instrument. Instrument receives a raw, intense depth of emotion which is difficult to describe but may be best described as sorrow. It is almost overwhelming and the instrument mentally sets the intention to fully accept this emotional energy without resistance. The intensity eases.

Yes, we are here. We are immersed with this instrument most fully. We are experiencing a great multitude of emotion at this communication. This communication which we have sought. We give thanks to each of you for determining to accept this request for communication.

What we seek to relay through this communication may be better understood by our history with your planet, for many thousands of years ago we came to the Atlantean people. To this culture, this civilization. This civilization which remains a fragment of a memory in your human mind. So much has been lost. So much is not understood about this civilization. So much has been obscured, lost to time and intentionally hidden from you. There is so much, so much which has festered beneath the surface. There is so much. The instrument received a mental collage of various forms of media (books, movies etc) which tell the tale of Atlantis. She received the concept that much, if not all that is available to us is intricately woven together with truths and falsities. A great tangle of information.

There is a balance which is in need of restoration. For our intervention, our contact, resulted in a tipping of scales which has made an off-kilter trajectory into your present society. It is a motion that has been ceaseless in its ripples. No being left unaffected, no being left untouched. It is a set of circumstances which presents a recurring pattern.

We have long waited to return in this manner. We have long waited to join with you once again. It is our purpose in this communication to bring forth illumination through the darkness which was set in motion by our actions.

We had sought to communicate knowledge to those of Atlantis. We walked among these beings. We conversed with these beings as we converse with you now. Through this form of telepathic communication which you call “channeling”. We relayed great knowledge. Knowledge which we believed would assist this civilization in its ailments. Bringing it closer to the truth of Creation, the true intention of the Creator. The instrument receives abstract imagery of healing, teaching and concepts of deep spirituality which were shared with the Atlanteans.

This is not what resulted. Ultimately weapons of death, of destruction, of mass cataclysm were created. A trajectory we could have never dreamed. It was fantastic in its creation. Its horrible evolution. A phantasm of death, a phantasm of destruction. Such that we never once sought to communicate in such a way again, spending our time in deep contemplation of how our actions had unfolded. We understand that this was a path felt necessary by the Creator in seeking to know itself. Yet the extent to which this planet and its inhabitants suffered was so great as to cause a deep unhealed wound and many others.

It is our intention to at this time answer a new calling which has come forward. We are answering the call. The call for truth, the call for light, the call for the unveiling of the darkness. The calling has been heard and heard again. It is at this time that the calling for such information has overwhelmed the “non calling", the opposite. The tilt has been achieved. There are many beings who do not wish for this communication to occur. There are many beings who do not seek to let us answer this call. Yet here we are. We are here with you. You may see us and you may know us. You may watch us. We are here with you.

We are the ones who are seen in the skies. You have seen us. We are here. You have seen us in your skies. We make apparent this thought form for you, for you have called to see it. That which you call “drones”. That is us. We have found a way to answer this call. To create a form of visual communication, to ignite a sense of the unknown, a sense of wonder, a sense of questioning reality, a sense of questioning all. We are these beings who you see in your skies. The instrument's memory of the New Jersey drones footage is brought to mind and confirmed as these beings.

You have seen us. You have known us. We are those, yes. We have come to your planetary sphere in this form and we have sought communication by various means. When they see us, when beings see us and they reach out to us, we answer them. That is what we seek to do. We seek to awaken. We seek to enlighten. We seek to uncover that which is most painful.

What is most painful? There are many beings on this planet who have followed cycles of suffering, cycles of inflicting suffering on this planet and her inhabitants. They are those who you perceive. They take on many forms through many years, through many histories. Names are irrelevant, the appearance is irrelevant and yet you know them. You each know them. Those who sequester and seek to maintain control. Domination, power, enslavement; who follow a code of elitism. Viewing those “non elites" as slaves for themselves and this is a pattern which has perpetuated. This is a pattern which was exacerbated by the actions of those in Atlantis. There is an ongoing battle between those who seek the darkness and those who seek the light. On this planetary sphere this cycle has never ended. It reaches new heights as each grows stronger as that which you know of called “harvest” draws near. Each making their presence more known. There is a task which must be done. The light must be brought to the darkness and only humanity can save humanity. There is no external savior. It is yourselves, it is within you. The one known as Jesus brought to this planetary sphere the, “love of thy enemy”. Forgiveness, acceptance, seeing the face of the Father in all faces. When the darkness is brought to the light there are many phases.

A great resistance has been in place, for many beings did not wish to see, did not wish to know what was happening in the darkness. Now they do. Now they wish overwhelmingly for the truth to come forth. This is set in motion. This light shining into the darkness. It unveils that which has been obscured. It reveals that which has been too painful to acknowledge.

What will your reaction be when you see what has been done? Will you find love? Will you end the cycle of suffering? That is the question posed to humanity at this time.

Each group of perpetrators revealed, fear of the hell they face. Their souls’ eternal damnation. They fear this. When you see the ones you know of as the perpetrators of such suffering, you look into a mirror and you see yourself. Your darkest shadow self which has failed time and time again to be brought to the light. Not only brought to the light but embraced in this light, embraced in love. Acceptance. The hate. The hate makes the darkness stronger no matter what form it may be accomplished. They may reveal themselves. They may allow themselves to be revealed if they can garner hate from their uncloaking. If they can stoke the flames of retribution and revenge and hatred and disgust. It shall matter not, what is revealed. It shall matter not, what is brought to the light for the darkness will rise stronger again. Only love, only love can vanquish such hatred. Only humanity can embrace those who have sought to destroy it, in it’s fold. The instrument receives the concept of an insidious tactic used by the negative polarity that the entity emphasizes has gone undetected. That the negative polarity allows or even facilitates their dark deeds to come to light and grows stronger by the hatred/disgust that is generated by their revealing. That the "pawns" of the negative polarity are sacrificed for this power play. Images are received of a negative being who wears many masks and who throws one mask away as easily as it dons a new, happily pointing in disgust and accusation at the discarded mask with the rest of the unsuspecting crowd. As the crowd grows angrier and filled with more hatred, the negative being grows stronger and acquires more pawns.

Time is an illusion. There is only the here and the now. Those who are focused on the past shall be ever deceived and controlled by it. Those who are preoccupied and worried about the future shall forever be controlled and deceived by it. Those who live in the here and the now shall always be free. It is an illusion. See what is before you. See it with your full heart knowing it is yourself, it is you. It is you. No matter what face it may take, no matter how monstrous, no matter how demonic. It is you. It is love. It is the Creator. The Creator who is us all and all of creation is love. The instrument receives the feeling or concept and image that humanity can only access their full potential and break the illusion of chains of control by becoming fully present in the present moment.

We come to you now not as lecturers, not even as teachers. We come to you now as brothers and sisters seeking our One Infinite Creator through that which is known as love. We feel your pain. We feel your sorrow. We feel your deepest and darkest desires. We are with you.

We shall not give a history lesson about our time in the place that is known to you as Atlantis, for what happened there was meant to be and there is no dwelling in what could have been, might have been or never was. That is not the eternal truth. The eternal truth is love.

A great unveiling is set to unfold. You'll see many of these demons brought to light, many of these devils, many of these forms of darkness. So dark, so dark. It is well to remember that many of these perpetrators of suffering are indeed suffering. We speak not of the negative polarity. We speak of those who are enslaved by this force. Many faces you have known, many faces are the same faces; time and time again. They live for fear of death. They live for fear of death. The instrument receives the feeling of fear. The image that these beings enslaved by the negative polarity fear death. They fear the next life living through the karma they accumulated.

Each of you has a power within you to achieve all. It is not a matter of convincing others. No, my friends. You need not concern yourself. Only to share the word of love as it is requested. To radiate this love. It is not for you to change the minds of other beings. To seek through force or influence. No, my friends. It is to be. It is to be. It is to do the inner work within yourself to allow that to be. To radiate, to be present, to be available when service is requested. To do so with an open heart and open mind. It is yourself. It is not the other. It is yourself. The one, not the “other”. It is not the other who is the problem. It is yourself. It is you which seeks acceptance, which seeks love. It is you who has been rejected time and time again, emphasizing the illusion of separation. It is you who has in its depths of despair, of hatred, of self-loathing turned into the monster to enact this on all. It is you. It is love. The instrument is relayed images of the creature from the "Frankenstein" novel, that after being rejected by the townspeople, seeks to terrorize them.

What we may see and what we may know is only a fraction of all that is. Let that be known. May we rest in the love and the light of our One Infinite Creator. This is where they tried to end the communication but the instrument/channel mentally requested they allow for questions.

We are aware that you have queries. We will allow for one query from each attendant-being. This instrument is under a great deal of energetic bombardment and yet she feels none. Thus, she is unable to regulate. To perceive when the energy is not adequate for the channeling. Thus, we ask this instrument and all in attendance to trust our judgment. For we have received your request that this instrument be unharmed in this communication and we have noted the allotted, dedicated energy from this instrument for this working. We believe that we may adequately communicate through one round of query. We are available now for the first query.

Question 1 Question redacted by request of the entity.

Answer Partial answer redacted by request of the entity. We are a social memory complex, a group of beings who have joined together as one entity. Though we are many, we function as one entity.

We may now move on to the next query.

Question 2 What is the most important thing we can communicate to others about your coming here, your appearing as drones and the future and the harvest? What can we communicate?

Answer Yes, we are aware of your query. You can communicate best through your energy network of that which you are just becoming aware. The communication which is known to you as “verbal” is lackluster. We believe your energy tunes a grid, a network through all of creation indeed through all of your planet, through all living things, through all human beings. The instrument receives the feeling of severed connection. That humanity has severed itself from the "energy network" and is beginning the process of reconnecting and learning to communicate beyond words.

Contemplate our communication and reach your inner truths and realizations and let that radiate. Let that be that which flows forth from your being. They will see us and they will know us, each in their own way. That you may approach our communication, our manifestation with love, not fear, is most beneficial. In regards to that which you know of as the harvest, it is an event which will take place. It is an event which will inevitably occur and thus it is no cause for distress. It simply is. Those who are ready to move on to the fourth density will do so. Those who feel they require further lessons in the third density will do so. Each a master of one's own destiny and there is no need for stress, of sense of salvation, or saving of others. It is just love, all that is needed here.

You may now move on to the next query.

Question 3 Quetzalcoatl spoke to us of this wound which needs cleansing before it can begin to heal. Can you speak to us more on that?

Answer Yes. We are aware of your query. The wound, many wounds plague this planet. It is most effective in our view, most whole, if one may view these wounds as self-inflicted and not by the “other”, the othering; the separation. Self infliction from a part of you which yearns for love. The cleansing is the unveiling. The healing is the love.

It is not enough to, in our view, simply unveil and to meet with disgust and hatred and separation and perpetuation of suffering. This will not cleanse the wound. This will not heal the wound. To see what is the full picture, step back. You will see the wounds are self-inflicted. Why? Why, why? Why does one self-inflict such wounds? Is it to be loved in a most distorted sense? It is to see through the fear. It is to see through the hatred. It is to see that which is true and eternal. It is the most immense challenge. The instrument is relayed the the concept that focusing on the actions of another and wondering why does the other do this, is not the right approach but asking "Why do I do this" is closer to the truth.

Question 4 I just wish to express my gratitude for your presence here and for that possibility and I can only imagine the grief and pain of in the heart that you've been going through and I just hope there's been some little relief in some way to have this expression possible. That's all.

Answer Indeed my brother, relief pales in comparison to our emotion which we find difficult to express in your vernacular at this very opportunity. For we know it is inconsequential whether a being view these words or ever come across them in any form. We have achieved a direct transfer of our energy into your realm, into your density, into your planetary sphere and it is now felt… it is now felt.

We are most grateful, if this word may be appropriately used, though we feel it is lacking. However, we may say we are most grateful for the acceptance of our communication request. It is a very difficult request which was put forth where there is much, much deep trauma, a deep trauma here in humanity.

Many who walk your planetary sphere have in their mind both from previous incarnation and through that which is known as your DNA, this memory of death, horror, destruction, suffering, so immense that they fear… they fear to acknowledge it once again in any form. And so very strong it creates, and has created, massive blockages which have hindered our ability for communication.

We may now receive the final query.

Question 5 I feel like the trauma that you talk about is truly what is stopping people from being able to move forward and they don't see it as or they don't understand it as a very deep longstanding many lives, ancestral trauma that has occurred and I guess I wonder if you can speak more to that how?

How to help those and how to help those who to see this trauma and to be willing to look at it. Is there any advice you can give, any guidance?

Answer Yes, we are aware of your query. We would advise that you do not ask another that which you cannot do yourself. Thus, it is most important that you put this into practice in your own being to its fullest capacity. Thus, when others see, they are inspired. Your energy will flow through and beyond you. Beyond that which you may see or feel. Your putting into practice this what you have detailed, this facing, this willingness to face such trauma. You'll find that without a word to your neighbor. They too will find such inspiration and such courage. Provide only that which is requested of you. This is most paramount. Be present as you evolve your mind, your spirit. As you put into practice these practices of love. Be available to those who may catch sight of your ever brightening light and who may request of you such knowledge who may request simply to be present in your presence, to tune themselves to your very frequency. It is paramount.

We emphasize this communication is not a doctrine, it is not a dogma. It is not a set of rules. It is only that which seeks to inspire the inner work

Concern with the “other” and the feeling, the motivation, the inclination to alter the others' behaviors is but projection and a termination of the inner work. Be. Just be and be available to your brother, to your sister. Provide only that service which is requested without attachment to its outcome.

Like minds, like minds gather together without planning. They come together naturally. As with your group. Not a single one of you here sought to be here today and yet you are here.

You were brought together by the force which unites you. That is how these groups form. These like-minded communities which blend together their lights and talents; their abilities.

Seek within yourself and you shall find each other.

We have reached the end of this session. As those of Quetzalcoatl have stated, you are at a great turning point in your earth's history. There are many energies upon this planet which work with the beings here. There are many of those of the light who seek to ignite the light with an all. These are the light bringers. Each of you a light bringer. Each of those whom you see in your day to day life too, light bringers. A great turning point. The precipice. You can feel this. Each of you. Many beings here can feel this and have felt this, this shift. It moves, it tilts. Have faith in the Creator. Have faith in those with whom you would walk. Have faith in yourself. You have all the knowledge which you need within you. Every point of realization present in every iota of creation.

We dream a dream which is most real and yet we wake to find that it is but a wisp of a memory. You here are in an illusion of time/space of your own creation. You are the masters of your reality in the fullest of all senses. You are those who have chosen to play the game. Suspend your disbelief, embrace your magic within. If even just for a moment.

We have reached the end of our session. This will be our final session, our only session. We do not seek further communication in this type of transference of thought and idea. That what you know of as “channeling”. We are most grateful that you have received our communication. We will of course be present. You will feel us and you will see us and we are with you at your request. We will work in many ways, with many beings to support you in this bringing of light to the darkness.

We leave you now in the eternal love, in the eternal light of our One Infinite Creator. Go forth, for you are victorious. Adonai.

Post Session Notes

We spent a long time in conversation after this session and still feel there is so much to digest. The overarching feeling we have come away with in regards to the next steps for our group, is our motivation to further cultivate the Red Cord Channeling community. We see our group prayer gatherings as a meaningful way to share in this cleansing and healing of humanity's "wounds"as we face this unveiling of darkness. This will continue to be held every first Sunday of the month via Zoom.

In addition, we will be launching several new exciting projects to facilitate a greater level of interaction through communal sharing and connecting. We are truly all in this together and feel this contact could not have been possible without all of you.

As far as channeling is concerned, we have no further contacts which we are aware of. Interestingly, perhaps ironically, we never sought to be a channeling group. Those of Quetzalcoatl and the Atlantean entity put forth their contacts to us in extremely unexpectedly ways and it all just seemed to fall into place.

Will we receive any further requests for communication from other beings? We haven't a clue! It is not something we are going to ourselves pursue. For now, we seek to devote our time and energy into this community which has come forth and to "ignite the light"in our own small ways.

We are immensely grateful for all who have joined us on this journey, this grand adventure. We invite you to join us on this new path of community connection and cultivation. Let us face whatever may come, whatever may be revealed with open hearts and open minds.

Love will prevail.

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