October 12th, 2024
Total Time: 52 minutes 10 seconds
Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious
Quetzalcoatl is the name of a group of beings that have joined together in what is called a "social memory complex" and communicate as one entity. They originated on the planet Venus and are in their 6th density (dimension) of experience. They visited earth approximately 10,000 years ago to answer the calling of the people in the Central and South Americas. They came to teach the Law of One. After the channel (Anika) makes contact with Quetzalcoatl she challenges them 3 times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once Quetzalcoatl meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, Quetzalcoatl initiates communication.
Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We greet you now in the love and light of our One Infinite Creator. We are most joyous to be with this group again, seeking together in open hearts and minds our One Infinite Creator. We remind each that our words are not infallible. That our experience is but one of many. We do not desire to present ourselves as any authority to the seeker. We simply wish to communicate our learn/teaching as we have understood this existence to be of thus far. What we wish to relay is our own understandings of the inner workings of that which you call reality and seeking to reunite with the One.
We see there are many queries at hand and we would most enjoy being of service to each. Let us now begin with the first query.
Questioner Quetzalcoatl, can you please instruct us on crystal healing?
Quetzalcoatl This is an extensive discussion. This would require many sessions of discussion and instruction.
Questioner Would it be possible for you to provide an exercise to get us started or preliminary information?
Quetzalcoatl Yes. We may do so. We are adjusting our integration with this instrument for stronger contact and smoother communication. It has been some time since we have communicated through this instrument and her configuration has undergone many changes which support a stronger contact. This however requires adjustment on our end.
We are here, we are with this instrument [Speed of speech rapidly increases] This is the most potent contact we have experienced in our sessions together, and thus we may speak more accurately to each query presented. We are very excited at this prospect and so do excuse our excitement as it comes through in such communication.
Your query was regarding the use of the objects known as crystals in the endeavor known as healing. You then followed up with queries pertaining to the simple exercise at the introductory level along with an introductory summary. Is this correct my brother?
Questioner This is correct. Thank you.
Quetzalcoatl We need to allow the instrument to catch her breath as we are speaking more quickly in our excitement. This will be a balance of learning both for ourselves and this instrument, this new avail of configuration and communication.
We are with this instrument. We are here. We address your query now.
The objects which are known to you as crystals are beings. They are beings in their own right and have accumulated many properties of transferring and reconfiguring energies which move about your sphere and in the many planes and octaves. These crystal beings are alive and it is this which one such as the healer needs to understand before undertaking such potent working. Thus, we may begin with an introductory working to crystal healing; the crystal as a being.
Each crystal is an accumulation of technology and energy, which is distinct to the properties of each planetary sphere. Thus we will speak to the crystals of your planetary sphere. These crystals are accumulations of such properties and energies which manifest in this physical and nonphysical plane. These beings have various constructions and modes of design, which dictate their properties and uses in various modalities of healing. To work with such crystal beings requires an understanding of their autonomy, their consciousness, and their history.
[Loud outside noise begins]
This instrument is struggling with the lessening of the channeling state due to noise interference.
[Earplugs are put in place on the instrument]
Quetzalcoatl We are here. This device has been helpful. We will resume our response to the query. To work with a crystal being requires a mutual respect and understanding. The viewing of the crystal being not as a tool, but as a partner. As a essential portion of the working sought to be undertaken. We correct, which one seeks to undertake.
Thus we may move on to a introductory level healing technique. To work with the crystal being is to choose the particular type of crystal with knowledge of its properties. We find that for the most part, this knowledge can be obtained from your many works of literature on the subject, though we would be pleased to elucidate further details, which are for the most part, unknown about particular crystal beings, if so desired in future queries.
To understand the properties or characteristics of the crystal being is to create a bond with such a being, for knowing is receiving. In this sense, the choosing of the crystal being should be based upon the properties desired for the chosen working. Upon choosing such a being, it is most efficacious to create a partnership with the being. This involves the contact with the crystal, the physical touch with the crystal, and the viewing the crystal in great detail. Examination. Noting its chips or areas of cloudiness, variations in color, shape, size, feel, weight, temperature, and vibration - if so discernible by an individual entity.
This is the introduction of two beings working in partnership where the crystal is doing the same to you upon physical contact. Thus, these two beings are tuning themselves to each other. Much potency of any working is lost when this step is skipped and it is skipped by many. Holding the crystal to the light and observing how light flows through or becomes obscured by the various translucence or opaqueness of the crystal. Even to take the crystal into the light and observe how the light shines upon the crystal. Its reflections and various characteristics which are brought forth in such illumination.
This is the [act of] two beings tuning themselves to each other, creating a partnership. We advise that this be done prior to each working. The more this is done, the more frequently these two beings work together. The cumulative effect of the potency of the partnership and thus combination of energy injected into each working.
There are many beings who seek to work with such beings as the crystals, and yet have little understanding to their own being-ness, the being-ness of the crystals. We see that this is not well known amongst your peoples and thus we focus on this area in particular in this communication. After this introductory partnership tuning period, one may begin to embark on the working with the crystal. This can take many forms dependent upon [one’s] adepthood. In this particular area, we will focus on a beginner level, introductory level, working with such a being for the purpose of healing.
We will instruct step by step for clarity. First, the being seeking to perform such a working chooses with careful consideration its crystal being partner [then] introduces themselves to the crystal being by touch, observation, and education on the particular crystal's properties.
After this mutual tuning process, we correct, after this mutual investigation and tuning process is complete, the being may then clasp the crystal in their right hand and hold this crystal to their green ray energy center or heart chakra.
Taking in a deep breath and visualizing, sensing the energy of this crystal intermingling with their own green ray energy. Thus charging and energizing this flow throughout the physical, chemical, astral, spiritual and etheric bodies.
This can be done as many times as desired. This is the most basic yet highly effective method of healing with a crystal being.
[Increased outside noise]
We are here. We are with this instrument. We have described to our knowledge areas of crystal healing, which are lesser known to your peoples, and a exercise which we believe could be accomplished by any being at any level of spiritual adept so seeking to perform such a working and we ask at this time if these queries were answered to your satisfaction, my brother, or if any further or clarifying queries are at hand?
Questioner Thank you very much. Would it be possible or appropriate at a later working to inquire on more advanced workings?
Quetzalcoatl Yes. This would be appropriate if carefully queried.
Questioner Apologies for the rough wording, but how might I structure that query?
Quetzalcoatl We would advise that the query be carefully considered for it's relevance to the spiritual seeker of the positive polarity. The details are at your discretion.
Questioner Understood. Thank you very much.
[Anika abruptly sits up and states that she is experiencing the sudden onset of throat and mouth pain as well as the taste of something bitter. She lays back down so Quetzalcoatl can be queried]
Questioner Can you inform us on what is happening to the instrument?
Quetzalcoatl Yes. This instrument is experiencing a severe allergic type reaction to over consumption of a particular type of plant matter. This is causing pain and inflammation in the oral area, which is resulting in the taste of iron in the mouth.
Anika Is it the reishi mushroom?
Quetzalcoatl Yes.
Anika Okay. But I have had this mushroom before and I've never experienced such a reaction. So what? Why am I experiencing such a reaction at this time?
Quetzalcoatl This reaction is being energized by the negative polarity. It has created an opening which is being utilized to increase discomfort. You have an underlying allergy to this plant substance. The reaction is typically extremely mild and not noticed. It is, however, being heightened to a great degree at this time.
[At this point Anika ceases channeling due to increased discomfort. The group performs many energy healing and protective rituals which halt the progression of symptoms, but do not alleviate them. Anika takes some prescription strength antihistamines. Symptoms are monitored by the group. Symptoms have improved enough to where Anika does not feel emergency medical attention is needed, but the discomfort is distracting for channeling and elicits pain with prolonged speech. The group is discussing the need to end the session and what conditions need to be more carefully considered for future sessions when Anika feels a pinpoint sensation of energy on her skull, a sensation she has only felt a couple times before when channeling Quetzalcoatl. She feels they wish to communicate again. She re-enters the channeling state]
Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We are with this instrument. We wish to advise that we believe that the potency of the contact, the accuracy of the communication, would be best preserved if pursued in a future working with the conditions as described.
To reach a deep state of channeling the instrument requires a minimization to a great degree of the outside and inside noise. The added physical discomfort makes speech more difficult and lessens the deepening of the channeling state. We would advise this instrument avoid consumption of this particular fungi prior to these channeling sessions. It is well to tread very carefully and conscientiously for many eyes now watch.
We leave you now in the love and the light of our One Infinite Creator, and we cherish dearly the moments we spend with each of you in the seeking in open hearts and open minds our Infinite Creator. Fear not nor despair over the briefness of this session for the query was excellent and we are joyous at the knowledge we were able to communicate to you and look forward to future line of questioning on this topic. We leave you now, our brothers and sisters with whom which we are together on this journey, step by step. Adonai.
Post Session Notes
A long discussion was had after this session was complete regarding the greeting, adjustment to location and other conditions for the working. We plan to clear out a small room in the back of our home to dedicate to these workings to minimize the outside noise.
In the past our group has only experienced greeting when the topic of the negative polarity's activities on our planet arises. So this greeting was a great lesson for us. Anika believes that the opening for this greeting was created not just by the consumption of the reishi but by her lower energy levels just prior to the channeling. The group had an intensive and abundantly fruitful meeting beforehand which was planned but lasted much longer than anticipated. Anika believes the underlying fatigue from such exuberant and prolonged discussion may of caused an opening to the energizing of the allergy to the reishi mushroom to occur, as such instances are often made possible by underlying distortion. Anika was okay after several hours and did not end up needing any further medical treatment. It was an extremely important lesson for us. We believe the inner work that each individual who participates in these sessions undertakes is equally or perhaps of even greater importance than the rituals of protection put in place.
As always we are learning, evolving and finding our footing on this path. We present the above to include the reader in our thought processes and decision making. Not just for transparency but because we believe those who read these channelings and are as moved as we are truly here with us in these sessions.
We give thanks to all who have taken the time to read this communication and are as intrigued and inspired by it as we are. Thank you for joining us on this journey in open hearts and minds.