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Quetzalcoatl Final Session

December 7th, 2024

Total Time: 84 minutes 59 seconds

Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious

Quetzalcoatl is the name of a group of beings that have joined together in what is called a "social memory complex" and communicate as one entity. They originated on the planet Venus and are in their 6th density (dimension) of experience. They visited earth approximately 10,000 years ago to answer the calling of the people in the Central and South Americas. They came to teach the Law of One.

After the channel (Anika) makes contact with Quetzalcoatl she challenges them 3 times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once Quetzalcoatl meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, Quetzalcoatl initiates communication.

This session was dedicated to questions sent in by our readers. Thank you all!

Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We are most jubilant to be with this particular group at this particular time for this is a great turning point in your earth's continued trajectory forward into the fourth density experience.

It is at this time we have provided specific instruction regarding the setting, intention and conditions for this working and we wish to thank each of you for playing your role and for performing the duties as requested. We wish to thank each of you for shining forth your great light into this potent session of communication.

Is at this time that we wish to advise that this will be our last working. This will be our last session together. This is of great significance to us for each of you has come together to bring forth a great light unto the world and we thank each of you for joining with us in open hearts and open minds, the seeking of Our One Infinite Creator and allowing us to bring correction to the distortion which had persisted among many thousands of your years after our original interaction with the peoples of this earth.

We feel that at this time we have fulfilled the need for this communication and we have a message we wish to relay at the end of this session regarding a path forward. At this time we are aware of the great many queries which have come forth not from yourselves but through yourselves. From those beings who have read our words, who have seen our communication via its presentation through your creation and to this we give thanks. We give thanks to each of these beings who has relayed their queries to you at this time for you to relay forth to us and we are most honored in answering these queries. We may now begin with the first query.

10.1 Questioner So this is a question that comes from A:

“The Law is One. Each path, while individuated, flows to and from a single Source. The practices by which each may choose to know Self however, are many, and varied….”

Quote from the "The Ra Material". Would Quetzalcoatl please offer guidance in these matters to the seekers and Law of One practitioners who have not yet come to know whether they have incarnated in order to fulfill the honor/duty of polarizing through service and approaching harvestability, or whether they, having previously achieved harvest, are in fact returning wanderers who have incarnated in order to fulfill their honor/duty as beacons of Love and Light that help guide their other-selves to the One?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. We give thanks to the one known as A for this particular query. Thank you our brother A. For this query we wish to get to the heart of the matter and that is the underlying sense of unknowing or self-doubt or questioning whether one is a wanderer in the sense that it has been typically described as a being who does not originate on this particular planet, but instead comes for a purpose of enlightenment [of] both themselves and the sphere. Or the other type of wanderer which has been described as the being who has originated on this particular planet but who has achieved through incarnations a sense of their own enlightenment and harvestability to the fourth density experience, but chooses to continue reincarnating on this plane to enlighten others through their gifts of service.

We would advise that the time spent in contemplation regarding one's origin in the regards to these particular categories is time which would be better spent viewing that which is before the being. That which has been chosen for the particular incarnation and to allow these presentations to come forth and to inform the experience of the being. For the experience is unchanged, whether the category be that of which we spoke or of the non wanderer type.

The actions which one takes, the choices which one makes. These are all an illusion of experience and an illusion of your own creation. What is brought forth is that which is called the experience which is needed for that particular point of consciousness to have at that particular “time”. There has been a great emphasis on the wanderer or non wanderer type experience and we find that if the experience is called forth to the mind of the being as a significant portion of a lens by which the experience may be viewed, then it is perhaps a significant coloring of which to explore the various distortions present from this perspective.

However, we find that if this comes forth to allow it to flow through and inform rather than be a focus. Does the determination of one's origin; wanderer, non wanderer, various types of wanderer, affect the actions that must be taken? The lessons which must be learned thereby? For each a choice must be made. The service to self or service to others polarities and followed to an exemplified degree of dedication.

When you come here to this planetary sphere in this third density illusory experience, you come as one with all around you, not as a different category or concept. You have chosen to experience at the same level as all around you have experience and you have chosen to don this experience to its full potential. What one may make [of] this experience is a choice of whether a particular lesson needs to be learned over an incarnation or a thousand. Whatever is chosen is what is needed in particular where each being has a wind[ing] path to take back home.

Thus, we cannot advise my brother on how you may determine your own origin as a wanderer or type of wanderer or non wanderer and we emphasize the non importance of this determination. For if you feel in your heart a wanderer, that you are; you feel in your heart non wanderer-ship, that you are; and it is the eyes forward which is the utmost importance. What informs your experience is the desire to polarize. This is the realm of the choice. It is the realm of non or total acceptance.

This is the choice that has been made to either return to make this choice or to continue to try to make this choice for the first time. We find that this can become somewhat of an anxiety.This need for self-identification. A sense of origin or knowing. But that is precisely why you have come here to move forward without such a foundation. You may move on to the next query.

10.2 Questioner Thank you, Quetzalcoatl. This question comes from our friend R who asks:

In previous channelings, you have emphasized the importance of having hope during these challenging times on earth. I want to delve deeper into the distinction between hope and faith. To me, faith seems more assured as described in the Bible as quoting the evidence of things unseen. Is it more wholehearted to have faith rather than hope that everything will work out in these current times?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. We appreciate this query from our dear sister R. We give thanks to R for submitting this query for this session. Thank you, R. The concept of hope is one which is difficult to discern. We shall revisit our previous instruction regarding that which we had sought to impart upon you. In our communication, in our initial communication to this instrument, we relayed our sense of hope which we hoped to impart upon you. The sense of hope is one which sees the light in the darkness, the light on the horizon, that sees through the visions of darkness which permeate at this particular time on this planet. In this hope, this particular vibration, there is a sense of wonderment. An acceptance of unknowing in a positive sense.

To say [you have] hope is to say, “I do not know, I do not know" with a smile. With love in your heart. With radiation of light. To say you have faith is to have a deeper sense of knowing. That deep mind connection to the root. To have faith is to find in yourself the underlying thread of the connection of existence to all that is, was and shall ever be. The inspiration of faith is comfort in a sense and the two, hope and faith can certainly be interchangeable in various contexts.

We find that in some cases the advent of hope may be a stepping stone to the realization of faith and inextricably, to have faith is to have hope. The wholeness comes from the light within and this wholeness may be revealed to a being through either expression of realization. Thus hope is like a bright star in the dark sky, while faith is knowing that the sky is illuminated by millions of stars although you may not see them.

We hope that we have answered the question for R. We may move on now to the next query.

10.3 Questioner Quetzalcoatl, the one known as J has a question:

When loving oneself completely and accepting oneself, does this mean that in order to truly love oneself we should be careful of the foods we eat, the things we drink and to exercise for example, or are we just as perfect as we are, and need to learn to love all aspects of who we are and what we do?

Quetzalcoatl We thank the one known as J for this thoughtful query. We give thanks to J for submitting this query to this group to relay to us in this particular session. Thank you, J. 

We find that in this particular query there is an underlying sense of guilt. There is a guilt which is felt when one feels that they are not caring for themselves in a way which is more in accordance to a standard that has been set either by the self or an external source.

If one performs an action and feels fully that this action is an act of caring for the self, of appreciating the self, of nurturing the self and nourishing the self, then this action is sufficient for these purposes. If a self feels a sense of a lack of these actions and avoidance and begins to perform these actions out of a sense of guilt, a sense of obligation, then these acts will not provide sufficient nourishment and love for the self. It is the mindset which is of importance and the action which is not.

It is the mindset which determines the outcome. There are individuals who, in a quest for self-discovery, happen upon materials which advise particular types of nourishment and activities which have shown to be quite beneficial for the chemical physical complexes known to you as your bodies and your minds. And an individual feels so inspired by such information that they take it upon themselves to pursue such activities and they feel a revitalization or a sense of well being. Then this is very well and this has provided them that which they desire.

We find often that there is an individual which is not providing themselves any nourishing activities and by nourishing activities we emphasize activities which are approached with the mindset of loving the self and nourishing the self, revitalizing the self, whatever that activity may be. And for these individuals, they are wrapped with guilt and they may identify a fault or several within the self that they have determined exists as a lack of the inclusion of these particular activities and thus the motivation to embark on the pursuance of these activities becomes a mindset of non-acceptance of the self. The need to remove an undesired portion of the self and this does not nourish nor provide love for the self. We wish to emphasize, it is the mindset. It is the mindset which a being has in performing a particular activity that will produce the outcome.

You may find that there are beings who adhere to particular values in their choices of food stuffs or clothing items and so on. They have picked up on a resonance or vibration within themselves and are intuitively following this, and this is causing them to feel very good, causing a resonance and reverberation. There are those who choose such items, food stuffs, material items as we have stated and the motivation is cheap requirement or compulsive need for a material item and thus this item also reverberates this vibration.

In these examples we seek to provide the emphasis on the true intention. The true intention of the action. This is what determines the result. Shall we take from the question, the organic foods. If the desire for organic foods comes from the desire to avoid chemical substances and adhere to a vibration closer to creation, to nature, and the being making this choice is consciously making this choice, then they will experience a great deal of benefit from this choice. If another being is choosing organic foods because a friend told them that was best, and they feel this friend is perhaps superior to them in some way, and they choose this food for this particular reason, this will not have the same benefit as the prior circumstance which we described.

These are simple explanations and these situations can become quite complex, but we hope we have provided the springboard into the delving of true intention. We may now move on to the next query.

10.4 Questioner This question comes from S:

In other communications we have heard of the destruction of the Atlantean civilization. Was this related to a comet impact that struck Earth, or was it Atlantean technology that caused it?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. We thank the one known as S for this query. We give thanks to S for submitting this query to this group to be relayed to us in this particular session. Thank you, S. We find that… we find that we are not the best source for this particular query. That is not to say that we are not aware of the information which is being requested. We would ask that this particular query be saved for a future working. We thank the one known as S for submitting this query. As we did not answer this query, you are welcome to present the next query in your hand.

10.5 Questioner Thank you, Quetzalcoatl. I have another question from E regarding cacao:

They ask, is there anything we can do to take this sacred medicine in a better way for healing, and did cacao lose its purpose when it was used as currency?

Quetzalcoatl We thank the one known as E for this query. Thank you E. We appreciate your submitting this query to this group to be relayed to us at this time; a question concerning the use of cacao. This cacao is a sacred plant which was cultivated by the peoples which we visited many thousands of your years ago. This cacao was a gift of Mother Earth, not from our hands. It is a gift of Mother Earth as with the other many medicinal plants and herbs which she provides, from the apothecary of the Mother. This cacao is a sacred plant which was once utilized for ceremonial purposes.

Cacao is a being. It is a being who has various properties and characteristics. It is a being who has the ability to provide insight into various situations and inspiration to those who seek to work with this being. The key to working with the being of the cacao is to approach the being with respect and gratitude; to view the being of the cacao as an equal partner in the working as one which opens doors which may not be available otherwise. The substance of the cacao is one which creates an experience of inner seeking. When taken ceremonially with other beings, it can create connection and harmony.

We would provide instruction on how to work with this substance in simple terms. Obtain the cacao and be vigilant about its source. Bring the cacao into your home and welcome the cacao to your dwelling. When you use the cacao, bring the cacao out of its packaging and lay it open, exposing the cacao to air and sunlight, to your breath and being. The element of fire is one which works well in partnership with the cacao. Thus, we would advise that the ceremony either be done in a space where the fire is present or a candle may be lit.

Cacao is a being which works well with the element of fire. Light a candle or perform the ceremony by an open fire. Allow the cacao to be welcomed into the space and introduced to your being. Ask the cacao to work with you. Ask the cacao to help you accomplish a specific goal you are seeking in this medicinal ceremony. You may then eat the cacao in a form which is suitable for you. We advise the mixing of the cacao with water and drinking the cacao.

Once this has been taken into one's being, it has become one with you and has begun working with you. We find that there are many ways which this can be done. We'll provide a simple instruction which we find to be of benefit and one which we instructed upon during our time on your Earth. We would advise the meditation with the cacao and the gazing into the source of the open flame.

You will begin to feel that there is a comfortable but vibrant fire ignited within your own being and as it moves forth within you, you'll feel it flow into various portions of your being and you may view this fire as a fire which cleanses, a fire which renews. And you may ask the cacao and the element of fire, a fire within your being, to help you cleanse that which you seek to expose to the purifying properties. As you feel this fire flow through your being, you'll notice that it concentrates in various portions of your physical chemical complex, and it is these portions which are of note which may be storing particular blockages or distortions.

We find that this is a powerful working and we would advise that this be done no more than once every one oh oh [100] days.

The use of cacao as an object of monetary gain was not congruent with this being's energies and distortions did result.

We give thanks to the one known E for this question and we may now move on to the next query.

10.5 Questioner Thank you. This question comes from A: 

Would Quetzalcoatl please speak to the various facets as well as to the overall nature and significance of the guidance system, meaning spirit guides, angels, etc. available to all mind, body spirit complexes presently incarnating on this planet?

Quetzalcoatl We give thanks to the one known as A for this particular query. Thank you A. Thank you for submitting this query to this group to be relayed to us at this time. The guidance system is comprised of those beings who have dedicated themselves to you in your particular incarnation. These are typically beings who are known to you already. Beings who have been with you in previous incarnations, beings who have been your guides previously.

There are three main guides for each being. These guides are those who have walked this planetary sphere at some point in their series of incarnations. They bring qualities which are needed for a particular incarnation or incarnational series of learning. They represent strengths of these qualities.

The guidance system is one which is well-known here. Many peoples, throughout various tales and mythologies and religious texts, many have been aware throughout history that there have been beings or energies by their sides, guiding them through their lifespan. It is these beings who are unseen and yet most commonly felt by those on this planetary sphere. Many are indeed aware of their guides, though not in the sense that they are aware of the unseen beings who are by their side but have begun to recognize various energies and feelings, signs and symbols in the external world and indeed the guides do utilize in particular the second density creatures to relay particular symbols and messages.

They also are clever to utilize those who are around you to relay messages. Especially those which you have ignored. They are available to each being to engage with at a level which is desired by them. There are some beings who do not desire to engage fully with their own guides. Who have requested that their guides take a more hands-off approach in their incarnation. There are other beings who work very closely with their guides and there are beings who believe that they have not made contact with their guides and they are desperate for the contact and do not realize that they are indeed in contact with their guides and it is simply a matter of recognizing that which is always present and not calling forth that which is absent, as perceived. 

The guidance system is ever available to each being and awaits only the request for further involvement to make their strengths that much more available to you. We find that the daily practice of speaking to the guidance system in a way that feels intuitively correct is the best way to build such a relationship with your guides. Beginning to pay attention to the recurring symbols and themes and when they occur and what emotions they evoke. This will also give one clues to one's characteristics of their guides.

The number of guides in one's guidance system varies being to being, however, each guidance system is at minimum comprised of three main guides and these are the ones who will relay their communications to you. The other guides more often are acting in more supporting roles and are available in specific instances and moments.

The moments that we have are far and few between. We will take this time to gently ask that the session of queries come to an end with the final query.

10.6 Questioner Okay, this question comes from R:

Their question was: What is the current status of the time lateral that was last mentioned by Q’uo in 2007 [channelings from LL Research]. This alternate track and bridge was, according to Q’uo, kept open past its original expiration date of 1998 due to the unconditional love of such groups as this one and Q’uo said in 2007 that the last possible date to keep this reconnection point open and to which one can awaken and make their choice of polarity is the winter solstice of 2012.

Has the last entity crossed this bridge or is it still open?

Quetzalcoatl We thank the one known as R for this particular query. Thank you R. Thank you for submitting this query to this group to be relayed to us in this particular session. This is a complex topic and we find that we could spend many sessions on this particular topic. What we will do instead is answer the query which was presented in the final moment of that paragraph. No being need fear that they have missed their opportunity for polarization and harvest. That is all we will relay regarding this query.

We have greatly enjoyed our sessions with you. This group which has come together and has evolved so profoundly since our first gathering. We have felt quite honored to be in the presence of each of you and as we have answered your queries, we have learned. We have found within ourselves new depths of understanding and learning and knowing and teaching. Each moment in these sessions has been a gift to us, a value which is without appraisal. How you each have walked this path of light and together formed a bond which brings you closer and closer on your journey home.

Our time together has come to its end. This will be our final session with this group. We spoke previously of this instrument and this group being pursued by many beings. Beings which sought to corrupt this group, beings which sought to obscure the light being brought forth by utilizing this instrument for their own darkness.

We spoke of beings, who have come to this group, great beings of light, who have wished to relay this light through this instrument and this group unto the world. This instrument has dedicated herself as a channel to bring forth the brightest, purest light available to her to shine unto all. This group has come together, each bringing forth their own light and joining as a great beacon which has grown ever brighter.

This has attracted many beings as we have spoken of. A decision was made that our particular time was to come to a close to allow an entity which has sought a channel for communication and a group of beings who resonate with your love. To come forth and to request this channel and group to receive their communication.

This is only a request, and is at the discretion of this particular instrument and this group. Whether this communication request is to be accepted.

We have realized that this instrument cannot sustain our own contact and the contact of this particular entity simultaneously. We find that although we have so enjoyed these sessions, it is difficult to say goodbye. We find that we have been granted an opportunity to correct the distortions which resulted from our contact with your peoples so many years ago, and we wish to share this opportunity with an entity who echoes our same desire.

10.7 Questioner Before you leave, may I make a request?

Quetzalcoatl Yes.

Questioner May we still call upon you in meditation and walking with us day to day?

Quetzalcoatl Of course my brother. We are with you upon your request and we shall be with you in our full capacity upon your request for any being who so desires our support and energy who has found resonance with our words and communication. We welcome the request for presence and assistance. We are always available. We understand that this communication is unexpected and we reserve time for any query regarding our message at this time.

10.8 Questioner Well, you said that this is a great turning point in the trajectory of this earth moving forward. Can you say some more about the turning point and where we might be going?

Quetzalcoatl You are at a great turning point, A turning point of that which has been ruminating in the darkness being brought to the light. For to heal, the wound must be cleansed. And to look fully into the darkness with love and acceptance in your heart, is to see fully that which is yourself. This is the turning point of which we speak, of which we have spoken for all that you see is within.

10.9 Questioner Is this entity who wishes to speak to us better able to communicate how to cleanse the wounds?

Quetzalcoatl The entity who seeks to come forth to this group at this time is a great contributor to such wounds and thus you are correct, my sister.

10.10 Questioner Earlier in our session you mentioned in response to the Atlantean question, you mentioned that this may be information better relayed at a later session. Is this entity what was alluded to?

Quetzalcoatl Correct.

10.11 Questioner Are you able to provide any further information or the name of the social memory complex?

Quetzalcoatl You have deduced correctly. The entity we speak of is the social memory complex who aided those of Atlantis. If you will, my brother. We will simply leave it to this entity to provide their own introduction.

Questioner Thank you.

10.12 Questioner Is this entity of service to others orientation? Is there any danger in communicating with this entity?

Quetzalcoatl There is danger. However, the danger comes not from the entity itself, but from the alarm bells which will ring and ring and ring at this entity's ability to provide a direct line of communication into this earthly plane. At this time, this entity is service to others oriented and a member of the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator.

The instruction that we provided on this day for this session differed from previous instruction. It was an instruction which detailed needed conditions and requirements in particular points of working and adjustments to receive the contact from this entity.

Questioner Well, thank you for those instructions. I feel they're very strong today.

Quetzalcoatl This entity will not be as easy for this instrument to communicate with. This instrument was finely tuned to our particular vibration and we were able to utilize the “unmolded clay” or [her own] raw ability to communicate through her.

Our words were relayed with accuracy. Although we utilized her own vocabulary and concepts, as we worked together, we were able to assist this instrument in further developing her channeling ability. This is due to our particular configuration that this relationship was made available. This will not be so with this particular entity. This will be a much more difficult contact.

10.13 Questioner Is there any further instruction regarding contact with this entity?

Quetzalcoatl We find that this instrument does need more practice in the deepest state of channeling. The utilization of the energy body for this particular type of working. This is an ability she has just begun to develop, which has allowed for our ability to further merge with this instrument and to deepen the channeling state.

She will need more practice with the energy body work. We find in particular the Guidance System of the one known as [name] would be helpful in this regard.

10.14 Questioner Given that my guidance system would be of benefit is there anything you can relay to me that I might assist?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. You are going to be needed in these sessions and there has been a swell of greeting upon your being to extract the exact opposite feeling and intention for that particular reason. It is well to be aware of this. For that which pulls away often is for a great purpose of thwarting a significant undertaking.

10.15 Questioner We were told not to use a computer, specifically Zoom today. I think [name] and [name]  are a very important part of this group. How can they continue to be a part of this working and this contact?

Quetzalcoatl It is a difficult obstacle. However, we find that the computer device is not conducive to the contact with this particular entity. We advise that perhaps a session of creative thinking take place and the consultation with the respective guidance systems utilized.

We have now come to the end of our session with you at this time.

Questioner I just have one comment I must say I have. I am so, so grateful for experiencing this, for your wisdom and for you being with us and for the great gift of [name] and [name] and all who are here. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Questioner Please try to keep us healthy so we can continue working in this manner. Since we are facing.. Some of us are facing serious challenges right now.

Quetzalcoatl We give thanks to each and all of you for all that you have done and will continue to do in this regard. To do your best, to simply be and to be open in your heart is enough. We are with you and we will be with you upon your request.

Questioner I will hold you to that!

Quetzalcoatl Please do, my brother. We leave you now, in the love and the light of our One Infinite Creator. Go forth on your journeys, keeping the love, the hope and the visions of the bright future at the forefront of your mind, where you walk into the gateway of an experience which is yet to unfold. And we say this to each being who is reading these words at any time in the future. Adonai.

Questioner Goodbye, friends.

Questioner Sorry! Quetzalcoatl, one last question, as I feel this is… significant now. From C:

Can Quetzalcoatl give us a mantra or an invocation to evoke their qualities in us?

Quetzalcoatl Love will prevail.

Post Session Notes

Needless to say, our group will be taking some time to think over and discuss this unexpected news. We had not anticipated, in any way, a change in our trajectory and yet it fallen in our laps. We wish to proceed as cautiously, mindfully and carefully as possible should we decide to accept the request for communication with this entity. We cannot yet say whether this request will be accepted.

Many tears were shed during this session and Anika had felt in the day following, a deep sense of grief for as each session progressed, she felt those of Quetzalcoatl becoming more and more apart of herself. A strong bond was formed and although we know they are always with us should we wish it, it is difficult in this "third density illusory experience" to say goodbye to that which has brought such joy.

We thank you all, from the whole of our hearts for joining us on this adventure and for all who sent in such wonderful questions. We had so many we did not get to ask but we wish to express our gratitude for each one we had the pleasure of reading and contemplating if even just amongst ourselves. As well as much appreciation for all of the heartfelt messages we have received, as many have expressed a deep connection with this communication since it first began nearly one year ago! We could have never imagined how it would unfold and grow. Through this we have met so many of you, numerous beings of light around the world whom we have been blessed to find have illuminated our own paths.

All events will continue as planned including the monthly prayer gatherings and workshops. We look forward to the new adventure that awaits Red Cord Channeling and welcome you to continue to join us upon it in whatever form that may take.

If you would like to stay in touch and know what our next steps will be, subscribe to our newsletter as will be making announcements and updates in the weeks to come.

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