November 9th, 2024
Total Time: 85 minutes 46 seconds
Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious
Quetzalcoatl is the name of a group of beings that have joined together in what is called a "social memory complex" and communicate as one entity. They originated on the planet Venus and are in their 6th density (dimension) of experience. They visited earth approximately 10,000 years ago to answer the calling of the people in the Central and South Americas. They came to teach the Law of One. After the channel (Anika) makes contact with Quetzalcoatl she challenges them 3 times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once Quetzalcoatl meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, Quetzalcoatl initiates communication.
Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We are most joyous to be with you on this day of gathering in open hearts and open minds, the seeking of our One Infinite Creator. We have been waiting in anticipation for this gathering to occur as our last gathering was cut quite short. We look forward to the queries which you have present at this time and we will do our best to be of service in answering those. We seek to remind each of you and all who should read our words that we are not infallible beings. That we are but points of creation as yourselves on these journeys and we do not seek to present any authority to the spiritual seeker. Thus, if our words do not resonate, please discard them at once.
We are here, we are with this instrument. We are adjusting our configuration. We are now with this instrument. We are ready to proceed with the next query.
9.1 Questioner Thank you Quetzalcoatl. [In the last session] You mentioned the instrument's configuration had changed. What do you mean by that? What caused this change and what can we do to support it?
Quetzalcoatl Yes, my brother. We are very pleased that you have asked this question because there are some things which do need to be adjusted to better support the configuration of this instrument and our contact with this instrument. We would at this time advise that the device known as the computer be moved further away from this instrument. [Computer is moved] This is adequate. We would also further advise that the instrument seek a configuration of a straighter line of lying. [Instrument’s body is straightened] The head needs to be slightly adjusted to the left. [Instrument’s head is adjusted] This is well. We also advise that the instrument utilized the blanket over the portions of the physical complex known as the feet. [Blanket is placed over feet] This is well. We have no further advisement at this time regarding new changes.
At this particular point we are analyzing.
Yes, we are here. All is well. We may continue.
[Quetzalcoatl discusses why the configuration of the instrument has changed. This has been redacted due to its containing personal information about the instrument and indication by Quetzalcoatl that this advisement was not meant to shared publicly]
These multitudes of factors have contributed to the instrument's own reconfiguration and the allowance of greater contact, shall we say, between this instrument and ourselves. We are greater to... we are more able to merge her energies with our own. This is creating a more accurate line of communication that requires some adjustment on our end. The instrument experiences the ailment known as the migraine, which is preventing our full integration of energies with this instrument's energies. However the contact remains potent and accurate. We are analyzing. [Redacted personal information about the instrument] Because this contact is more delicate, more careful consideration must be taken with the preparation of the instrument, the clothing items and the bed which is made for the channeling. Electrical equipment must be minimized to the greatest degree except those that are absolutely necessary.
It's equally important that each being be mindfully considerate of the energies which they're bringing to such as a meditation circle. We find that at this time the energies which have been brought to this particular meditation circle are tinged with some anxiety. We move about to evaluate each individual.
[Redacted personal information about group members]
We make these advisements not to cast a spotlight of judgment on each particular individual, but to highlight the careful considerations which come into play when there are a gathering of such delicate energies. It is well to meditate prior to such a working and to be quite mindful of the activities which you engage in the day prior to joining together.
Indeed, each of your individual actions outside of this group and of this working do effect this group and this working. As you have progressed further along your journey here and as we have continued to work together, each working becomes cumulatively more potent and the path which your group walks together becomes narrower as it becomes brighter. This path of light.
The one known as Anika brings physical pain to this session, this physical pain is a manifestation of her divergence from her intended path. When this physical pain occurs, it is a warning sign to her that she is stepping farther from the path which she intended. This pain is a result of an injury in a past life.
We would advise this instrument and her eternal guardian, the one known as Derek, to carefully consider when this pain arises, for often the path they walk as one together, and as her warning can serve to her individually it can also serve as a warning for the both of them.
We are ready for the first query.
9.2 Questioner Thank you Quetzalcoatl. Many humans are under the impression that some of the parts of our body are of no use. Some body parts are even considered problems to be removed. I wanted to ask you, what are the purposes of wisdom teeth and the organ we know as the appendix?
Quetzalcoatl Yes, these are interesting questions. We find that the organ which is known to you as the appendix, is no longer in function. However, in your past it served as a point of digestion of gravel type materials which would have been present in the diet of the one who would… We correct, the appendix was in use in your ancestors who consumed such food stuffs, which contained gravel type materials at a molecular level, which required a special type of digestive organ. This is no longer so in your current society. The inflammation of the appendix has a variety of causes, as most types of physical manifestation of illness are that which are those presentations of catalyst which has not been processed. The predisposition of the organ portion which is not in use to such illness is a result of its lack of use.
The portion of the human body which is known to you as your wisdom teeth had a similar function in your ancestors. These teeth were utilized to consume food stuffs of a different type of source and texture. The result of the, what we would call lack of chewing, or need for strong jaw strength. Capability of chewing very tough food stuffs has resulted in a change in the shape of the jaw and the wideness of the mouth. The wisdom teeth thus have not adjusted to this rapid change in dietary practice, where this did occur over a shorter period of time. The manifestation of disease with the wisdom teeth, the pain, and the other sources of issues we find for the most part are a catalyst which the being has called to themselves.
The society which you currently enjoy has evolved greatly in many cases from that which your ancestors knew. The advent of modernization of the consumption of food stuffs and the various farming practices has resulted in a disjointed match up between the physical body and the mode of consumption in that which is consumed. Is there any follow up query, my brother?
Questioner No, thank you.
9.3 Questioner Thank you Quetzalcoatl. My question is regarding crystal healing and it's kind of several fold. I'm wondering if when you walked the planet, did you use crystal healing and what was your method? Does it help to actually place the crystal on the area to be healed and are crystals used in other densities?
If you could, Quetzalcoatl, we're having a hard time hearing the instrument. If we can help her have a bigger voice, that would be great and if not that’s okay, we’ll catch it on the recording.
Quetzalcoatl Yes. The interest in the crystal working is an interest which is great amongst your peoples. When we walked this earth, we did not use crystal healing. When we walked this earth, we utilized various modalities of healing and these modalities of healing did not include the crystal healing of which you are familiar. In different densities these crystal beings are utilized in partnership for various modes of healing and other types of practices. The use of the crystal in the practice of healing we find is best when a partnership is created between the one who seeks to work with the crystal, and the crystal being who is being requested to assist in such a working, and thus the physical touch with the skin is important.
We find that for various types of healing practices, it is indeed necessary to place the crystal upon the body part which you are desiring healing upon, or above or around. In other types of healing practices such as the one which was shared previously, it is not necessary to place the crystal upon the body part which is experiencing an ailment, but as we advised the placement of the crystal at the heart center for a, shall we say, full body healing experience.
We do apologize but we are minimally able to amplify the voice of the instrument as she is in a deeper state of channeling. The pauses are to allow pain flares to subside. Before we continue we wish to advise that the contact is well. We are here, we are with this instrument. Is there a follow up query, my sister?
Questioner No, thank you.
9.4 Questioner I would like to ask a question about time. In a previous session in describing time, you gave us the image of our consciousness as a single point with many points or lines or projections branching off from that point, and representing space time and time space as you know it. Can we use such an image to heal traumatic events in our past? Can we travel one of these lines to go into the past to a traumatic event and heal it and how? How can we do this?
Quetzalcoatl Yes, my brother, this is a most beautiful query. We are so very joyous at this query. We find that our previous explanation of time had various levels of understanding which resulted from this explanation. We enjoy this metaphor of the point of consciousness with various points of time/space about it. When you view your own incarnation as you recall it, at this particular nexus, you'll find yourself coming upon such memories which elicit such strong emotions.
These emotions can be of great joy, despair, suffering, pain, elation. All these various emotions are encapsulated in these experiences which you enjoyed. In your present incarnation, it is these experiences which are informing your full and total soul experience. We find that the dwelling upon such memories to be, shall we say, not conducive to the spiritual evolution.
To avoid the over-identification with the experiences which you remember in this particular incarnation, is to move away from the perspective of the soul's experience of many, many, many incarnations. We would advise the tendency to dwell on such memories to be examined. [Examine] the tendency itself; for what the mind or the soul or the subconscious or the personality shell which you currently have donned seeking in such dwelling of such memories is not the memories itself. It is the compulsion to dwell upon them, which is of interest.
Thus, we would advise in this case the best, we believe, the most appropriate utilization of that practice, which you call revisiting memories of trauma, is to first deduce what is the purpose of revisiting such memories? What is the desire for the revisitation of such memories? Once that is deduced, we advise that the practice then develop for the processing of such memories. It may then be necessary for the being to recall the memory as if it is visiting as an objective observer. In this scenario, seeing both itself and the other actors in the play as an omniscient, omnipresent being. We advise that it is this type of perspective when revisiting such memories which is most fruitful for the spiritual experience, for to revisit such memories to simply relive them is to be stuck in this cycle of forgetting the here and the now.
Let your soul speak and remain the gentle observer of the experience, seeing yourself and the other beings which may be involved in such a memory as actors in the play. For each experience was called to the beings which experienced it and each played a role which was necessary to play for themselves and for the others involved. As you revisit such memories from the perspective of the observer, you are able to more clearly see the roles which you and the others played and what this brought to your experience which was necessary.
We find that this is most productively done in a state of meditation. What we emphasize first, the deducement of the desire to revisit such memories. That is the best we may offer to your particular query, which we find to be very intriguing and a beautiful wording of this nostalgia, which many of your people experience. We at this time may ask if there is a follow up query.
9.5 Questioner Actually, a follow up does occur to me. Can the same approach be used with events in the future that we fear happening?
Quetzalcoatl Yes, yes, yes. This is wise, for it is always here and now. You are always in the present, yet worries about the future do occur. Anticipation of the future does occur, for you have come to this third density illusory experience to experience such a distortion of time/space such that the past, present, and future are of great significance to you.
It is difficult in this experience for the being to remain in the here and now. Though we emphasize that this is perhaps a goal which one may seek to attain in practice. Those moments of anticipation and fear of the future are difficult for the being to brush away. However, if the being can be reminded of the here and the now, to view this future anticipatory experience as the objective observer, seeing the roles that may need to be played, this would be most helpful for the extraction of the experience and the lessons thereby which are desired to see. That you, as the others around you, agree to the roles which they play and a great honor is done when these roles are approached with the mindset of the necessity of experience. We may move on to the next query.
9.6 Questioner Quetzalcoatl. You previously stated that when you walked among us, you brought various mechanisms of healing and seeking within oneself. What further mechanisms of healing and seeking can you bring forth to us?
Quetzalcoatl We can bring forth only that encouragement to find your own method of seeking on this journey which you have chosen for yourself at this particular point in time. The methods of healing are ones which we have discussed previously, the seeing of the self as the Creator and the finding of the acceptance and love for the self and for those other selves. We may be queried on specific methods of healing but we advise, my brother, that this is the true healing in its fiercest form and it is at the heart of all mechanisms of healing and practice.
There are various methods that many have produced and have discovered by which to facilitate this healing. Each unique to that being's own configuration and those beings whom are drawn to such practices, finding such resonance. We advise that it is the mind of a human being in this modern age in particular, to seek, shall we say, occult and complex practices for which great knowledge may be gained. What we have presented to you is the heart of what we have discovered as true healing.
We find that there is one we may present to you at this time, which we are, shall we say, quite cheerful in presenting. It is pertaining to the seeking and healing. This practice we may present is the holding of hands. Holding of hands between yourself and another being. We find that the instrument experiences a great deal of pain flare from the migraine process. We will pause. We are here. We are with this instrument. What we wish to relay was a practice which is unknown to your peoples, although it is well known, it is unknown. It's true purpose and properties we advise to be practiced is known as the holding of the hands, which creates a link between two beings, for much power is transferred through the hand. This is an inclination for the human being to hold the hand of another. As a source of comfort, as a source of intimacy, as a source of friendship. A gesture which is of greater significance than many are aware, for it is in truth an energy transfer. The linkage which is created and this linkage can be quite healing and can be quite extraordinary when utilized to its full capability. To hold hands with another being and to look into that being's eyes and see the Creator and see the self and feel that love in the green ray energy center and feel the love flow through both arms, through the hands to the other being; a circuit is created.
This is a powerful healing practice. This is a joining of two points of experience and consciousness in that moment as one. Both the symbolic gesture with the linking of the hands and the use of the eyes. This creates the circuit and in this circuit you may find new ways of healing and of seeking or the realization of the self as the Creator, the Creator of your present known internal experience.
We find that if this practice were utilized in the community sense, if beings would engage in this practice with one another, they would find much less antagonism and conflict. We find that at this time the instrument may be utilized for a final query.
9.7 Questioner Quetzalcoatl… Even though I can't hear much today, I can hear that you have a lot to say and I can't wait to read it [Questioner was not wearing usual hearing aids]. What I'm holding is what has happened on this planet for so long. Fear. And given your thousands of years of experience, what can you say to help us find some way to deal with this energy of subjugation that seems to be rampant on this planet right now and the potentiality for that?
You were teaching us a lot about love and sending love and I wonder if that’s what we need to keep doing, or is there other activities of action and resistance? I'm thinking of all the people that have faced violence in this universe, in this planet, and I'm struggling with how to handle it at this point. I suppose the recent events of what’s going on in the world kind of brought that to a difficult place in my heart. I know this is rambling but just whatever you can say to help with more clarity. It makes me wonder if this is everybody's different catalyst to deal with, or is there a reason that's much bigger?
Quetzalcoatl Yes. We find that this query is on the mind of many beings in your experience at this time. Many beings about you, many beings on this planet who experience this vibration which you have called fear. There are many points which you have touched upon in your query. We find that what we believe we can offer to you to be of greatest service is the careful consideration of the need for experience. We acknowledge that we often have advised this and it may appear as though we are on a repeat. However, it is a lesson which is one of the most difficult. That each being could have called for such events to bear experience as necessities for their own spiritual evolution.
What appears to one as an event which garners great fear and subjugation, may appear to another a calling of freedom and joy. These are the two sides of the coin for any event which takes place. Dualistic events do and will occur. These events are ones which have been called to each who experiences it. The emphasis on these events which would appear to be monumentous, which would appear to carry a very strong emotional charge and a ripple which will last for what is perceived as great periods of time. It is each experience which is called to the being which experiences it, which determines its processing for each lesson is unique.
However, there are lessons which are, shall we say, garnered in a group sense. For a particular group of beings together is in need of such an experience of such a lesson, shall we say. That fear is elicited by an event is in and of itself worthy of careful consideration.
There are those who seek to, in their own experience, enact an energy of control over other beings. There are beings who seek to, in their experience, subject themselves to such control and each thereby learns the lesson of the controller and subjectee [subjected]. If this is what one has called to their experience, this is what they will experience and gain the lessons thereby. In the same event, a being who has not called this to their experience will not have the experience of the subjected. We are having… We are here.
What we are attempting to relay is a very difficult concept to relay. It is a concept which is met most often with great resistance. Where there is a sense of justice and need for retribution. When one receives what it perceives as an insult to its being, a violation of its will and unfairness, a crime, we emphasize that it is the finding of the love in these moments for whatever portion of the experience one has sought to endure.
A call to action we find, we gently advise my brother, is but a projection, for it distracts from the inner work which is seeking to be done. When one perceives this injustice done to oneself, we find that the first analysis is a force in the red ray. The analysis of the physical survival and needs which are to be met. Then to move up to the orange ray, yellow ray, green ray, blue ray and the indigo ray and finally the violet ray. Moving up through each energy center and digesting the event which is [inaudible]. Thus one fully utilizes that which it has called to its experience.
If one views other beings suffering, one may present to those beings aid. This as well. However, when the target of action is the attempted control over another being, we find that this is often a projection and the avoidance of the inner work which may be done.
Thus, we may advise my brother for yourself, with your big heart, to first make sure the needs of the physical, emotional, spiritual [inaudible] the basic needs. Are you safe, are you protected? Are you nourished? And then to move up through the energy centers. If you see another being suffering in need of, shall we say food, if they're starving and so on, and this is a need which has been clearly stated and you find that you may be of service in providing this need, then we advise that it is well to do so.
However, the grander picture is that the external is but a representation of the inner work which needs to be done. Thus, if you see those beings acting in bellicose ways which are, shall we say, offensive, violent, that which cause fear. The most potent pathway of action for yourself, my brother, is to see that within yourself and to find love and acceptance for this portion of yourself which has manifested in such exuberant ways and that which causes us the greatest emotional pain. The greatest sense of anger is often that which we have locked in ourselves in the darkness and refuse to acknowledge. It is the shadow self.
Thus, we advise that if there is a being, a figure, an idea, a group of beings or the like which cause you great distress. We advise that likely they are amplifying to you aspects of your shadow self, which you have not yet acknowledged and begun to bring into the light. This is most difficult and thus we may expand upon how in this sense, an event, a group, a figure, a being, a trait, an energy and so on may represent so many different things to each being, and thus it is well to abstain from the, shall we say, drain of the need to convince the other to your point of view.
All that which detracts from the inner work is that but a distraction. The impulse to change or alter the other self is, we emphasize, a projection and an avoidance of one's own inner work. We wish to add that in such cases when one experiences a particularly devastating event or despair at the actions of an individual or a group, we find it is fruitful on the path to the inner work and the bringing to light the shadow self. To seek to empathize and to understand with an open heart and open mind the actions of the other, the ideas of the other, the motivations of the other.. for at their core they are your own. For all is one, and one is all.
[Quetzalcoatl made a final advisement to the group regarding safeguarding the contact. It was indicated that this was not meant to published publicly so this has been redacted]
At this time, we have most enjoyed this session with you on this day, this gathering of open hearts and open minds, the seeking of our One Infinite Creator. We wish to relay that the future is bright. There is great hope and love and joy, which is here, and although visions of darkness may come before you, there is the saying, “It is the darkest before the dawn”, and the dawn is upon you. There are great many energies and movement on this planet at this time. We are most joyous to be with you at this time. We look forward greatly to our next session. We leave you now in the love and the light of our One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
Post Session Notes
In this session there were several points of communication which Quetzalcoatl indicated were not meant to be shared publicly at this time. It is our understanding that Quetzalcoatl feels a great responsibility to protect the free will of others and that to publicize one's personal information may violate or neglect that responsibility. Still, we understand this may be disappointing or frustrating to some readers, so in the interest of transparency we have decided to notate these redactions as they occurred in the session along with a general description of their content. This is the first time we've received this type of request from Quetzalcoatl but we plan to maintain this format if it happens again. However, in the event that it is deemed appropriate to publish any of this redacted information at a future time, we shall happily do so.
At this time, Anika would like to share one item that was approved to disclose. This being mentioned by Quetzalcoatl as a contributing factor to an "altering of her configuration" and allowing for better contact as a result. This is a meditation technique called the "Tablets of Chartres Cathedral" (link below).
Anika learned this meditation technique at the Prague Law of One Gathering in September. It has had a profound impact on her in many ways.
We give thanks to all who have taken the time to read this communication and are as intrigued and inspired by it as we are. Thank you for joining us on this journey in open hearts and minds.