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Quetzalcoatl Contact Session 7

August 24th, 2024

Total Time: 102 minutes 37 seconds

Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious

Quetzalcoatl is the name of a group of beings that have joined together in what is called a "social memory complex" and communicate as one entity. They originated on the planet Venus and are in their 6th density (dimension) of experience. They visited earth approximately 10,000 years ago to answer the calling of the people in the Central and South Americas. They came to teach the Law of One. After the channel (Anika) makes contact with Quetzalcoatl she challenges them 3 times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once Quetzalcoatl meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, Quetzalcoatl initiates communication.

Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We communicate now. We are most joyous to be with this group once again. It is our greatest pleasure to join with each of you in this coming together of open hearts and minds in the seeking of the One Infinite Creator. We are pleased to see such diverse and inquisitive queries at hand. We would be most joyous to be of service in offering our insights to these queries. We advise as always that we seek not to represent any authority on any given topic. We are but points of creation as yourselves. We have a different vantage point and offer only this experience. We do not know all. We come together with you in this seeking. Let us begin.

7.1 Questioner My question is, what things can a person do to realize that they're a part of the One Infinite Creator?

Quetzalcoatl We are most pleased to address this query for it represents a great stumbling block to the people of this Earth. Realizing that one is the Creator is a great step in the grand unification; unification of all of creation, for All is One and One is All. This is the Law of One. In realizing that one is the Creator one seeks to join with the single thought, the point of original unification and radiation of all things. We find that at your present experience, there are many who feel isolated, separated, quarantined, walled off from creation and the Creator. There is much despair in this loneliness, this sense of separation; there is fear that one is not worthy of the love of the Creator or of creation. It is this seeing of the single self as a separate entity which blocks the unification, which is ever present. For this unification is always present and no true separation may ever occur. This is an illusion, of course, one which is sought by many points of creation to find their way to the Creator.

What we may offer is the careful contemplation of one's point of source with the Creator, one's seeking of the point of origin. This is the original thought, the original creation that from which all comes from and forth. What we may offer further is the careful contemplation of one's very nature of existence. How one seems to be, to exist. This very consciousness, this very existence is divine, is miraculous, is in and of itself a great mystery. For that you are here and now is the inclination, the indication of the work of the divine.

What we may expand upon is the seeking, the full realization of one as the Creator in the third density illusory experience, which you presently enjoy. There are many ways to seek this oneness. There are many paths one may follow. We advise the careful contemplation in that which you know of as meditation for it is as all things simple. It is the human mind which complicates, which uses intellect to attempt to reach these goals or thwart these so-interpreted obstacles. The separation which is experienced is an illusion.

There are many who have sought various means both complex and simple to unite with the Creator. There are beings who undergo much strain in the physical world. They push themselves to the extreme to find the divinity within. There are those who pursue only careful contemplation. There are those who pursue the service to others to see All as One. There are many paths which can be taken to this realization. The truth lies within always. All the knowledge, all of the practice lies within. There is no knowledge with which you are without at any point in your experience.

What we may comment upon further is the careful consideration of the so-called mental illness. The mental illness which creates many barriers in this illusory experience. We clarify the mental state, not the mental illness. The mental state is what we are referring to. This is the processes of the mind, the barriers which the mind builds. So that one's consciousness may be perceived through various corridors of experience. This is in truth a creation of the self for the self to perpetuate the desired journey of experience, the finding, the realization of the one. That these barriers, be blessed, be loved, will be of great advantage to the adept who seeks to discover the knowledge of each corridor and enjoy the experience in the seeking of the One. What we would like to relay at this time in regard to this query, specifically to this group, is that in this joining together, you are seeking the One. You are finding the One. The Creator is before you and within you in this joining together. You are the Creator. That is all we have to offer on this topic at this time. Are there any queries of clarification?

Questioner No. Thank you.

7.2 Questioner Hello, Quetzalcoatl. I would love to express my deepest love and sincerest admiration for your being-ness before I ask my query. So, my question is, what general or specific disciplines or practices would you recommend for exploring, understanding, experiencing, and serving the Creator? If there were a curriculum to purchase, what would it include? Keep it brief, or feel free to expand on this concept to provide us a deeper foundation for discussing spiritual advancement concerns.

Quetzalcoatl We thank you for this thoughtful query. What we may offer on this topic is substantial in that the curriculum is always before you and within you. The Law of One is present in all things at all times. The study of each portion of creation and its connecting mechanisms. How each of creation is built to assist each of creation. They are the parts of the parts which represent all of creation [that] work together in a flow, a flow of mechanism, process, and action which assists the other. It is a constant working, intertwining, and effort to swirl upward towards that which is One. The advancement of one's own spiritual evolution is completely individualized in this interpretation of the Eternal Truth. For one is not as the other in this seeking. Each experience being completely unique to the one seeking the One. Each experience bringing to the Creator its own unique lessons and knowledge of being. What we may offer further is that for you, my brother, the careful contemplation of the inner workings of your own being and experiences would be most beneficial. The way that each experience has led to the next. Each being bringing to you a new light, which lights the path. This is the nature of all of creation. This is what was intended by the Creator. That all points of creation work together in synchronicity to find the way back to the One. There is no study plan we can provide other than to earnestly seek in love, in light, the Eternal Creator. That is all. Is there a clarifying query?

7.3 Questioner Yes. The clarification query would be, what are the portions or aspects of creation that one can observe and experience to progress onto this path of love, light, and seeking the Creator?

Quetzalcoatl We do not understand this query as presented. Please restate.

Questioner So what are the portions or aspects of the Creation that one must observe and experience in their seeking the One Infinite Creator?

Quetzalcoatl We do not understand this query. Could this be restated?

Questioner Yes. So, as you have stated, the careful consideration and understanding of the portions of creation as a unique map for every individual. So, if we could generalize this creation for all beings, what would be those portions or aspects of creation that every individual present on this planet can see to their spiritual advancement towards seeking the One Infinite Creator in love and light.

Quetzalcoatl We are having great difficulty with this query, yet we will attempt to answer what we believe is the heart of the topic. There is no right or wrong experience in this creation. There is no experience which is wasted. All that is called forth to your being is called forth by the consciousness which desires to experience the various portions of creation. Thus, that which is called to your being, my brother, in particular, is worth to you that which it is not of worth to another and vice versa. Each point of creation calls forth to its experience that which it desires to experience, to advance to the One, to become more whole in its experience. Thus, no specific area can be advised as a generality. That is all we may offer on this query. We may move on to the next query if so desired.

7.4 Questioner Yes. This question is on behalf of the channel, of the instrument. I'm sorry. Recently, we had a gathering of beings joined together to say the prayer for the elites. What effect did this event have on those that were the recipients of the prayer and those that participated? Many reported identical sensations of intense energy on their heads and in their chests. What was this?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. This was a most wonderful event. We were greatly joyous to be in attendance at this event. This was a great gathering of hearts and souls seeking the One, seeking to shine light into the darker parts of the self. The effect was quite profound on both the beings receiving the prayer and the beings reciting the prayer.

The beings receiving the prayer felt a great surge of pure love, light, healing, acceptance, and understanding. They were in a state of great confusion and even shock. This has begun and continues to be a great opening which was created as in the metaphor we had previously described as these beings being locked in the dungeon of darkness; the finger sized holes have become much greater. A great stream of light has been shining into this darkness. This is painful for these beings who have been so long without light. Their eyes are burning. Their skin is hurting. If you can understand this metaphor, this pain which is felt when light is brought forth to deep darkness which has been so shut off from this light. This is growth and change. It can be painful, but that the option is available to these beings to open their eyes and come forth to this light is significant.

The beings who recited the prayer experienced this evolving, this shift into sending love, light, healing, acceptance, understanding to the darkest parts of this world, which are truly the darkest parts of the self. The sensation of the crown energy, the helmets which were described, and the sensation of the halo. This represented an activation of the violet ray chakra, the violet ray energy center. In this moment, these beings experienced the Creator, the seeing the self as the Creator. The love and acceptance of the complete self, bringing the energy through the green ray energy center, up through the violet ray energy center in a powerful surge. For most beings, this was the first experience of this kind and now that this has been experienced, it creates many new pathways of incorporation into their spiritual evolution.

This event was of great significance on this planet. Many beings of the Earth's Inner Planes were in attendance, and it has brought great joy into these realms. We see there is intention to repeat this event and for this, we offer our gratitude and encouragement. What was begun has opened a door of possibility which had not been previously present. That this Earth may unite and join in sending love, light, acceptance, understanding, and healing to its darkest most damaged portion would bring about a great heightening of energies through this sphere and all beings. That is all we may offer at this time. We may move on to the next query.

7.5 Questioner Thank you. I wondered if there are a positive corollary to the elites in that, are there entities either of Earth or not of Earth that are in power, that are working towards positive outcomes for those beings of Earth?

Quetzalcoatl No.

Questioner Thank you.

Quetzalcoatl We find that the beings of the positive polarity do not seek this power as with the elites, thus there is no corollary. There are beings who move in such realms who are of the positive polarity. This is all we may offer for comment. We may move on to the next query.

Questioner Thank you.

7.6 Questioner You said in a previous session that true healing was one of many gifts that were lost to this world. What are some of the other gifts that were lost, and how can we retrieve these gifts?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. We are most joyous that this query has come forward to us again. The many gifts that have been lost to humanity include the use of telepathic communication, the use of the magnetic field of the earth for navigation, the use of the spirit body for travel, the use of the energy body for healing, the use of the chemical body complex for great feats of strength and mechanical operation. These are the gifts which we have referenced in addition to that of true healing. The nature of their obscuring lies in many portions. There is intentional obscuring, which is done by those who seek to control mass swaths of the population and find it of great convenience to their plans that these gifts are no more in the majority of cultures and societies on this planet. There are cultures and societies still in existence today which do carry on these gifts, though they are severely diluted in the nature of their presentation.

Part of this is due to the harm to the genetic material you know as your DNA. The DNA carries much information which may be accessed by the conscious mind and brought forth as with an instruction manual. There are many substances which damage and damper this DNA archive for access. Some of these mechanisms of DNA deterioration are intentional. Many, we emphasize, however, are not.

The replacement of these great gifts with inventions of mankind represents another avenue of their being lost to time immemorial. Mankind enjoys his creations, though they are great distortions from the Original Thought. He has created many complex items which fascinate him to great extent, and he impresses upon himself his own achievement in such creation, such that that which may be brought forth without such use of this intellect appears trivial and unimpressive. The ability known as channeling is the remnant of the telepathic communication, which is present as an ability in all beings of consciousness. The ability of the spirit vehicle for travel is not well known by any of your peoples at this time. The use of the energy body is more well known in that which has been termed "astral projection". Though this is widely misunderstood in its capabilities and uses. What we may offer further is very little given our constraints regarding the Law of Confusion. Is there a clarifying query at this time or in this particular topic?

7.7 Questioner Are any of these abilities ones that we should develop in order to know the Creator and to realize that we are all One?

Quetzalcoatl No. None of these are required to know the Creator. Would they be of benefit? Would be evaluated on an individual basis. We find that many do call forth these gifts, or aspects of, to their being when this experience is felt to be necessary. That is all we may offer. We are ready for the next query.

Quetzalcoatl We must interrupt. The instrument requires the use of the bathroom facility. Would the ones known as Greg and Derek please grant the permissions to the instrument that she leave protected, return protected, and that no opening is created by her coming and going.

Derek Yes.

Greg Yes. Permission granted.

Quetzalcoatl We will await.

[Pause while facilities are utilized. Anika returns and reenters channeling state]

Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We are with this instrument. We may resume with the next query.

7.8 Questioner Quetzalcoatl, thank you so much for your patience in allowing us to be comfortable and on a personal note, I wanted to thank you for your wise words about the spiritual path [name] asked and about the Creator [name] asked. Those two questions were on my mind for a while, said in a different way. But what you said had a wonderful impact on me. So, the question I have relates to what you had talked about early in our contact, and that is hope. I remember even asking about how to find hope and I was curious after the [political event] if that made you even more hopeful because it had an impact on me, that felt like hope. And even though they used the words, it was much deeper than that. It was a sense of love and energetic connection and a lot of hope for the future. So, I was just curious how in what way that affected you, if at all?

Quetzalcoatl We find my brother that we may not comment upon this particular event due to the various levels of confusion present. We, however, would be most joyous to comment upon that which has been termed "hope" and the sharing of this hope amongst others. For such events as the one which you have spoken of, and others do inspire great hope in many beings. It is this gathering, this gathering as one in sharing this hope, which is that which may tune others to this hope, this hope of the future which we have spoken.

The practice of viewing the events which unfold; many which bring great suffering, fear, and distress to your people. Viewing these events with full understanding and seeing the hope yet for the future is of great significance to being of service to [cat jumps on Anika] We are with this instrument. We will return to that which was left. The hope which seeks to inspire others envisioning a bright future with full knowledge and understanding of all the events taking place in your current experience and finding love in each area is of great service to the other selves in this experience. There is a pervasive sense, an air of hopelessness, doom, and gloom which perpetuates among your people. To see fully and clearly, genuinely in your heart the hope for the future is of great benefit to all whom you encounter.

That which inspires this hope is of little significance. Thus, we do not speak in specificity to the event which you have referenced for in our view, the events, the various events of this nature are quite transient and do not touch upon the eternal spiritual principles, but that they may inspire hope is of great benefit. That you too pass on this hope in its purest form is greatly beneficial to those whom you encounter. We emphasize that it is the pure emotion or tuning to a hope, which is of the greatest value to share with others. The event itself being insignificant in comparison. We also may offer that the advent of hope is one of great light. For hope opens the door that fear closes. Hope regains the many paths of possibilities. No. That is all. We may move on to the next query if there are no clarifying queries on this particular topic.

Questioner Thank you very much.

7.9 Questioner Quetzalcoatl, can you help us to understand the beings of the negative polarity who enslave the elite?

Quetzalcoatl We may. The beings of the negative polarity who have enslaved this so-called group of "elites" on your planet have been triumphant in this endeavor. This has been deemed a great success for this group. They seek with great earnest to maintain this prize. Thus, this group and this prayer are quite a thorn in their side at this time for their plan has been well executed and operating quite efficiently.

The instrument experiences greeting in the form of the left forehead pain. We have paused to respond to her request to send love to the senders of the greeting, we will pause.

We may continue. The negative polarity which enslaves this group of elites on this planet has been quite successful in this plan. This group represents an obstacle of which they are not quite sure how to defeat. This has caused much upset and confusion in this particular group. The mass sending of prayer to those they have kept so successfully in total darkness is presenting an obstacle they did not anticipate.

The instrument experiences severe pain in the left occipital region.

We are with this instrument. We may continue.

These beings have for centuries enjoyed great control and fruits of their conquest. They have been in great battle with those of the positive polarity of the Earth's Inner Planes who resist with great ferocity this invasion. The beings of the Earth's Inner Planes have been rejuvenated and rallied to great extent by the prayer and the gathering, which was held recently to recite in unison this prayer. These beings of the negative polarity had found a fruitful yield of their enslavement and conquest in this system of infiltration so devised which has been carried out for a great many years upon this planet. They have sought ever earnestly as the harvest draws near to maintain and expand the presence, forces, and control which they exert upon this planet and people.

The beings of the negative polarity who enslaved this group of elites are aware that the greatest fruit yielded is by the slaves who enslave themselves, thus they manipulate the beings of the elites and the peoples of this planet into a system of willful slavery. These beings are of the Orion Empire as you are aware. The inclusion of these negative beings into the prayer was very clever. It has been effective in the sense that it has caused them to experience significant limitation in their capabilities.

It is they who have perpetuated the reported psychic greeting by those who have joined in the recitation of this prayer. It is they who have, at a previous point, placed the instrument in a strong hold of energetic blockage. It is these beings who have visited upon those of this group, the severe type [of] psychic greeting in hopes to dissuade this group from continuing. It is these beings, their minions, which offer the instrument the greeting at present.

The instrument has experienced a temporary deafness in the left ear.

Are there any follow-up queries on this topic, my brother?

Questioner I think that's all. Thank you.

Quetzalcoatl We may move on to the next query.

7.10 Questioner Quetzalcoatl, I'm so overjoyed to experience and to know of the power that the gathering is putting on this planet. It is just so amazing and beautiful to see the love and light that those of the opposite side have experienced.

I move on to my query. So, I have perceived that the archetypes as told by those of Ra, are misunderstood and perceived in distorted understandings by those who intend to understand them. So, anything that correlates to the blueprint that is designed by the logos of our experience, which we can know to deepen our understandings of the creation, portions of the creations, or aspects of the creations that you can tell us would be very much helpful for everyone to be able to perceive and understand the blueprint of creation and the seeking of the One Infinite Creator.

Quetzalcoatl Yes. We are aware of your query. The archetypes which were offered by those from the social memory complex known to you as Ra were brought by this group to those of the Egyptian race. These archetypes were created as a tool of learn/teaching to demonstrate the various aspects of the mind of the Creator as interpreted by your logos. We find that we may offer only a slant, a slight varying interpretation of this tool of learn/teaching. We may not speak to the various distortions of their interpretation for distortions will inevitably arise when the seeker present in the third density illusory experience attempts to understand the mind of the Creator.

We find the instrument experiences residual spasm. We find at this time the residual pain caused by the severe muscular spasm in the left occipital region to be presenting an obstacle of significance to the accuracy of the communication.

We find that to preserve the potency of this contact, this communication and working that the session has come to its close. We apologize, my brother, for this abrupt ending. We would advise this query be revisited in the future if so desired. We may ask at this time if there is a brief query.

7.11 Questioner Anything that we can do so that such negative greetings and such distortions may not interrupt our channeling and may comfort the instrument?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. The instrument experiences great distortion in the bilateral occipital regions. These openings are targeted by the negative polarity for severe pain and muscular spasm. The device which she has employed was not utilized properly at the beginning of its implementation. The secondary position being preferred to the initial for the alleviation of these spasms.

The protection of this working is great. We offer no additional recommendation. The harmony of the group is wondrous. We offer no additional recommendation. The containment of the cat being, being preferential.

The diet of the instrument requires careful consideration. We find the lack of hydrating foods on this morning to have been detrimental to her ability to concentrate. That is all. We thank you for this final query. We leave each of you now in the love and light of our Eternal Father Creator. Go forth and rejoice in His love and faith. Adonai.

Post Session Notes

After question 7.7 Quetzalcoatl says they must interrupt to send the instrument to the washroom. We are aware that it is unusual for a channeling to be interrupted so recurrently by the source to encourage this activity. We have received a number of messages commenting on this phenomenon, so just want to note that we are not sure why this occurs. It is often observed by Anika that Quetzalcoatl will make this announcement when she does not have the urge at all but sure enough it is the case when she does, that there was a lot "in reserve". So, Quetzalcoatl seems to be aware of what even the instrument is not. This occurs even when Anika has tried not consuming anything 2 hours or more prior to the session. Anika has wanted to ask about this for some time, but we find we often have so many questions it simply does not make the cut, nor is it more than a transient topic of concern.

For question 7.8 the reader will notice that the specific event mentioned by the questioner was removed. This was done for several reasons. The first is because as Quetzalcoatl noted, the event itself was of no significance (in their view). Secondly, we are aware that all who come to read this contact have many diverse political orientations and beliefs as do we in our group and so we did not wish to color the beautiful insight by Quetzalcoatl with any inferred bias where not necessary as it was irrelevant to their response. We understand that there may be disagreement regarding the handling of the edit and for this we apologize for any misalignment that may be caused. We are navigating to the best of our ability this ongoing working and learning as we advance. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue this evolution.

At the end of Quetzalcoatl's response to question 7.8 they say "No". We are not sure why this was said but it was said very clearly. It is possible they were responding to a thought from the instrument or another in the group. This is unclear but it was left in the transcript as we desire the transcript to be as true as possible to the recording. We may ask about this in the next session.

The prayer that we will recite is in the link below. We encourage all for whom this resonates to begin to add this prayer to their daily spiritual practice.

We give thanks to all who have taken the time to read this communication and are as intrigued and inspired by it as we are. Thank you for joining us on this journey in open hearts and minds.

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