June 23rd, 2024
Total Time: 139 minutes 12 seconds
Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious
Quetzalcoatl is the name of a group of beings that have joined together in what is called a "social memory complex" and communicate as one entity. They originated on the planet Venus and are in their 6th density (dimension) of experience. They visited earth approximately 10,000 years ago to answer the calling of the people in the Central and South Americas. They came to teach the Law of One. After the channel (Anika) makes contact with Quetzalcoatl she challenges them 3 times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once Quetzalcoatl meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, Quetzalcoatl initiates communication.
Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We greet each of you in the love and light of our Eternal Father Creator. We are most honored to be with this group once again, to join together in open hearts and minds the seeking of our Eternal Father. As with each communication, we advise the careful discretion of our words. We seek not to represent any authority to any seeker and should any of our words cause confusion or misalignment, we request the seeker discard them at once, for we represent but a minute point in all of Creation, and our view point is not without distortion or flaw. We seek not to be viewed as all knowing beings. We are your brothers and sisters in seeking our Eternal Father. We take great joy in sharing that which we have learned on our journeys, which are but a step further than your present density experience. We see many here who bring illumination. Each of you possesses great ability to bring forth the light unto this world. It is a great pleasure to be with your beingness at this nexus. We are enjoying to magnificent extent the relationship which is forming between our groups. For as we teach, we learn. We see that a great number of queries have been brought to this session. We will be most delighted to be of service in offering all that we can to these queries. We may now begin with the first query.
5.1 Questioner Thank you, Quetzalcoatl. Thanks for joining us here today. I'm noticing on the planet right now that we're seeing a change in acceptance and that might not be the right word, but an acceptance of an individual's sexual orientation from birth. I'm also observing that the appearance of some younger souls is more androgynous. Can you speak to these phenomena? Are these changes part of a larger spiritual evolution or is this more just a social construct? The questioner later clarified they were referring to biological sex or sex assignment at birth.
Quetzalcoatl We thank you, our sister, for this query. It is of some confusion for ourselves to accurately assess this phenomenon in your current society. We find there are several mechanisms at play. There are those beings whose percentage of previous incarnation weigh heavily in one gender; thus, they incarnate in the opposite gender and find confusion, find distortion towards that which is termed the "gender dysphoria". We find in our vantage point, these souls did purposefully choose, in most cases, to enjoy the incarnation as the gender with which they were least familiar. The distortion of the termed "gender dysphoria" is a result of the social environment.
The other mechanism at play is the so called illness of the mental state by which escape is seen in leaving the self previously identified behind to obtain a new identity by which a new construction of persona and experience may be initiated. This second category is quite different from the previous. In this case, the illness of mentation, the mental illness is that of self loathing. The loathing and unacceptance of the self can thus be bypassed by an avenue provided by one's society and culture, as in this society. Thus, you see a heavier distribution of this category in the so called Western societies, which have provided this avenue as one of ease of transition.
The other mechanism by which we observe this manifests is a bit more sinister. This is the confusion of the, we correct, the result of the confusion of the guardian of the child projecting the guardian's wills and desires onto the child. Thus the child is the blank slate upon which the guardian creates their desired experience. The guardian does not understand, for the most part, the harm being inflicted upon the child. The child being of the consciousness which adapts and evolves in whatever environment it is given. We find in these instances the child becomes quite confused. The child wishes to fulfill the standard set by the guardian; the expectation. The child wishes to make the guardian happy. The child learns that when he or she fulfills that projected fantasy, the child receives what we perceive as, we correct, what it perceives as love. Thus the child is torn internally by that which it feels is its inner truth and that which the guardian has created as the guardian's truth. The child learns that the child's inner truth will displease the guardian. The guardian's truth will result in love, praise, and attention from the guardian. This is a complex relationship between two beings for all children experience this distortion of projected fulfillment of the guardian's inner truth and fantasy to some degree. Also termed "expectations". The expectations set by the guardian. In this case, however, the child has more deeper levels of confusion by that which they know as their inner truth, which conflicts so drastically with the experience the guardian wishes to provide the child and through the child, themselves.
There has been some interest by the so called medical industry to create a system of affirmation for these instances in which the individual of any of the previously described situations can fulfill their need. The motivation is primarily profit. We are treading extremely close to the line drawn by the Law of Confusion and thus may stop here. We will scan briefly for opportunities to expand. We do not find much ground, much further we may cover that would be of benefit to this query. We will move on to the next query if there are no clarifications desired, my sister.
Questioner No. Not at this time. I'll look over all of that and see if I have any further follow ups for another time. Thank you.
Quetzalcoatl You are most welcome. We thank you for this thoughtful query. We, at this time, must advise the instrument to utilize the washroom. The channeling process does increase the frequency for urination. We find the instrument is quite sensitive due to low bladder capacity, due to anatomical size. We request the one known as Derek to mentally give the permission to the instrument to leave the web of light. Adding that she leaves the web protected, returns protected, and that no opening in the web is made by her leaving and returning. We ask the one known as Greg to do the same with the pentagram. Once both have completed, please give permission to the instrument. The one known as Chuck may also leave with the permissions of the protectors of the working.
[Pause while facilities are utilized]
Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We are once again with this instrument. We are ready for the next query.
5.2 Questioner Thank you. In the previous session, we experienced a severe psychic greeting and in your words we "held on by a thread" with the help of our Guides. I wanted to ask, how often do such greetings occur to people who do not have protections such as we have and who are not even aware that they have Guides, is there some way we can help such people? Psychic greeting is the phrase used as an alternative to psychic attack.
Quetzalcoatl We thank you for this thoughtful query, my brother. The psychic greeting which was visited upon this group at our previous coming together was exceptional. The amount of beings involved on both the sides of light and dark, the positive polarity and the negative polarity, had each a great number of warriors. This level of greeting is highly unusual. We are not aware of previous instances where they, we correct, this severity and type of greeting has been visited upon an individual which is not at the level of the adept and thus aware of the spiritual principles at play.
We may speak to other severe type greetings which some individuals experience prior to their awakening. In these scenarios, the individual has perhaps decided upon incarnation to balance karma from previous incarnation. This can result as a calling of such severe psychic greeting to the being which desires this experience.
The other scenario of which we are aware is the rare instance where the being of the negative polarity spots a wanderer in incarnation who has the potential to bring great light to the world which the negative polarity's group is seeking to control with ramping up of obscuring darkness. The being of the negative polarity thus attaches itself to the unawakened wanderer in hopes of completely deterring or delaying the awakening process. This does occur, though somewhat rarely on this planet. This requires a great deal of studying on the part of the negatively polarized being to seek such a wanderer and investigate their potential. The negative being then must invest great energy and time to be a constant companion of the wanderer to, at every interval, attempt to thwart the opening of the heart and the awakening.
To all beings who are experiencing any psychic greeting by whatever mechanism, the best way to be of service is to offer love and acceptance. We acknowledge this may, at first, sound like quite a generic advisement. However, please let us dive further. The being who is experiencing, knowingly or unknowingly, the effect of greeting presents themselves with heavy distortion to the world. The face they show the world is often one of great agony, one which is tortured by unknown assailants. The energy of the being experiencing psychic greeting is felt as unpleasant by the other selves. The being may elicit in other beings feelings of irritation, annoyance, frustration, disgust, and the overall feeling of wanting to get away from this being. Thus to see beyond what is perceivable in the third density illusion requires an investment on your part to see or to acknowledge the possibility of that which you cannot see and meet this outwardly repellent personality with love, with acceptance. This is of great benefit to the being unknowingly, to their conscious mind, experiencing greeting. The prayer of which we previously spoke of is of great benefit. For these beings are often not easy to interact with in the face to face sense. Thus in these cases, the sending of love and acceptance from afar is most beneficial to both the sender and recipient. Has this answered to your satisfaction the query presented, my brother? Quetzalcoatl is referencing question 4.5, the topic of effective prayer.
Questioner Yes. Thank you. If I may make one brief request, at some point could our friend Chuck here feel another hug? Because he didn't get to feel it last time, and it was magnificent. Thank you.
Quetzalcoatl Yes. Yes, of course. We most enjoyed this experience. We will reattempt the hug for the one known as Chuck. My brother, simply allow your senses to finer tune to the subtle energies about your being.
We request that you once again consider yourself hugged by those of Quetzalcoatl.
Questioner Thank you again.
Chuck Well, thank you Quetzalcoatl. This is a great segue. I have to admit I didn't feel, and I noticed some resistance which is interesting and worth reflecting on in the future. But this question is related to that, I suspect.
5.3 Questioner In your last channeling, you spoke of that true healing has to do with tapping into the love of the Creator, the divine, and acceptance of self. You said a word "simply" one has to do that, which made me chuckle because it's been a lifetime of trying to accept and love the self. I have no problem loving others, and I suspect other beings have very similar challenges. So, any words that might help create a more loving relationship internally is welcome. Questioner is referring to question 4.1, topic of true healing.
Quetzalcoatl: Yes. We welcome this query for it is a great challenge for nearly all beings upon this planet in the third density illusory experience. The veil of separation is heavy. The being on the positive path looks to others often with the rosy view, seeing their so called shortcomings with a depth of great understanding, seeing their strengths as mountainous, seeing their light as brilliant. The being on the positive path finds the greatest challenge to be, in most cases, the turning inward of such love, depth of understanding, highlighting of strengths, to be most difficult.
There are several barriers which we may observe and comment upon. The love of self is often viewed by the positively oriented seeker as the negative path, and there is difficulty in incorporating this concept to the service to others path. Too often, we observe, the development of anxieties and stresses with this integration. The love of self itself presents itself differently on the positive path than the negative path. We find this concept to be fairly undiscovered. So we will emphasize. The mirrors of light and dark are of but one image. That image is the Creator. The creator is the three hundred sixty degree being, all paths lead to the Creator. The reflection is one of the seeker’s choosing. Imagine if you will, one image reflected in a bisected mirror. One side is slightly darker, we shall say and reflects the Creator from the negative polarity. The other side, a bit brighter with more clarity, reflects the Creator from the positive polarity. One figure, dual images.
The love of self in the positive polarity finds all within itself, sees the traits it admires and desires within its being for the positive seeker sees all as One. Thus the traits, my brother, you so admire in others you are in fact admiring in yourself. Those traits you so desire in others are those traits you are waiting to call forth to your being. The seeker of the negative polarity feels love of the self to the exclusion of other selves. There is no desired trait, no admired trait, only positions of power to obtain, only the pecking order to climb up. Thus the love of the self exists in walled isolation, not in outer reflection.
We find that if the seeker of the positive path in this third density illusion can meet the feelings of guilt, shame, hesitation in turning the love inwards with love; to meet those emotions with love would thereby dissipate a great many barriers. It is simple and in its simplicity it is complex. We would request that you voice any clarifying query at this time, we would be most pleased to assist.
Questioner I thank you for the depth and love and wisdom of your words.
Quetzalcoatl And.... we find there is some confusion in your mind and thus we invite any query which comes forth, for we find this is a topic of great confusion and stress among the seekers of the positive polarity on this planet.
Questioner Thank you. What I understand is the core of what I heard was to love, to send love to the emotions that I may struggle with and that in itself would help. That compassion that I have for others, that might be the path that would help me move forward. Is that correct?
Quetzalcoatl Yes. The guilt especially, which is felt when love is turned inward with the same degree as it is consistently turned outward would most beneficial if met with love instead of suppressed or used as a tool to diminish that love which is attempting to turn inward.
Questioner Thank you. It's a practice.
Quetzalcoatl It is the practice of many lifetimes. We may now move on to the next query.
5.4 Questioner Thank you. This question is about one's intuition. Is it a physical sensation? How does one know this knowing when it is connected to one's higher self? When making any sort of decisions on anything?
Quetzalcoatl Yes. A wonderful query, my sister, we thank you for this is another topic which is often sought and an object of confusion for many in this third density veiled experience. The so-called instinct, the intuition, the gut feeling, we term as the whole of the soul. For in this experience your soul has chosen a shell by which to occupy, to color its experience, to give it the lessons which it has felt need to be revisited or learned thereby.
The veil presents an opportunity for that shell to override the soul. The shell becoming the driving force of the incarnation too often. The soul's voice becoming smaller and quieter as it yells for direction, to provide direction, we correct. The ego which we commented on previously can also be considered a portion of the personality shell the soul has chosen for its incarnation. A great strength, we reference our previous discussion, is the adept's incorporation of the ego into its working. Quetzalcoatl is referencing question 3.2, the topic of the adept and the ego.
The soul's equal partnership with the personality shell, or ego, or the personality shell which includes the ego as its portion, is the most beneficial for full experience in this density. There are many mechanisms that have been referred to as intuition. Some are referring to the chemical body's abilities to sense the magnetic pull of the Earth, the [sensing of] subtle energies around which are unseen but we, my sister, are going to speak to the intuition of the soul. So please note, we will not be speaking to these other mechanisms by which others have referred to as intuition. We must clarify for this term has many meanings in your societal cultural context.
The soul is the unique vibration that each of you is, always, present, here, now. It is your eternal being until you rejoin the Creator. The soul is the accumulation of your unique experiences through many incarnations and time between incarnations. In the third density veiled experience it is your soul which is creating the calling that pricks the ears of the conscious mind to go this way or that without the "logical" basis. The tuning into the intuition, to strengthen the intuition, to follow better the intuition, is to build the relationship with the soul, the soul which is there always within you. It is you.
The process we may relay is simple and thus in its simplicity it is not complex. Simply speak to your soul. Listen to your soul. How does one accomplish this? There are many mechanisms by which one can form a bond, relationship, open communication with the soul. The preferred method, from our experience, is that of meditation. We also note the "near death experience" as one which has been spoken about frequently in circles of seekers such as yours. The experience of purposeful soul seeking meditation, we find, is most achievable. Though varying levels of persistence may be required due to one's own internal resistance; the resistance of the personality shell, the ego. For it has been the driver. The driver does not wish to take the back seat and thus is not always so easily convinced. For many seekers and yourself, my sister, we might advise the purposeful, careful, repetitive meditation of soul seeking. To enter the state of meditation with the purpose of listening to the soul. This can be said out loud or by thought. To set the clear intention of connecting to and communicating with one's soul. One may visualize their soul in whatever way comes most naturally. One may visualize or imagine asking their soul, either verbally or mentally, a question for which the answer of the soul is desired. The soul having often been long ignored needs to be demonstrated to a commitment and respect that the seeker is willing to sit and listen. This may take many attempts. This may happen instantaneously.
Persistence, repetitiveness, and genuine seeking of the counsel of the soul is all that is needed to find success. In building this relationship with the soul, one will be more clearly receptive to that intuition, that "heart knowing" of right and wrong, which direction to go. The soul is eager to be heard. In instances where it has been buried deep it may need convincing that it is going to be heard and respected but with persistence and truth of seeking, this can be accomplished by any. Does this to your satisfaction, we correct, does this answer to your satisfaction the query presented my sister?
Questioner Yes, and I have one small follow-up for clarification. At times in holding two decisions in my hand, I find that sitting in a meditative state and holding each, that my body has a very clear response of a "yes" or a "no", and I wonder how true is this, is physical responses, somatic responses a clear communicator or connection to one's soul decision making? Is there a chance of interference with the ego?
Quetzalcoatl There is always the wily ego to present interference. Yet we find by scan, the experience you have offered to be true to your soul's communication. For yourself, this is true. For others, there may be enough resistance and thus interference. The soul often speaks through the "body mind"; the chemical complex which has its own intelligent working. Thus, when the answer is "no" or negative, the muscle weakens; it feels heavy. When the answer is "yes" or positive, the muscle strengthens and feels light. Has this been answered to your satisfaction, my sister?
Questioner Yes. Thank you.
Quetzalcoatl Thank you. Thank you for this insightful query we believe will be of great benefit to many seekers.
5.5 Questioner I believe during our last channeling, during the sections of explanation of war being a human sacrifice as a way to maintain control for the so-called elites on this planet. I believe, Quetzalcoatl, you gave actionable advice on how to lessen or prevent this, and that would be through prayer. I just wanted to ask you how people could most effectively pray for this outcome? Questioner is referring to question 4.6, topic of war, human sacrifice and the "elites".
Quetzalcoatl We are deeply grateful for this query. We do wish to revisit and expand upon this portion of our previous communication. The sending of prayer to those who have been suffering for many eons of time in the darkness, such that they wish only to inflict such darkness unto the world around them and all within it, is of great importance. For each is a portion of the Creator. Each is the self. The parts of the self left longest in darkness fester and grow. The beings of which we spoken have in this planet's history sought to perpetuate this darkness by which they have fed upon the suffering they have created. The hatred, the fear, the manipulated worship and reverence, the fruits of mental slavery. This is that upon which they feed. To be offered love, acceptance, light, healing, knowing, seeing fully, being brought to the light, would indeed bring about a great lightening, heightening of energies upon this planet.
Those whom we spoke of as elites have received prayer from yourselves and the instrument and few others. This is the only pure light coming to these beings from the other selves of this third density experience. Thus it is most powerful. Imagine if you will, beings trapped in the dungeon. No light coming in, suffering in chains. Poking through now, with just finger sized holes the light is streaming in. Though small, it is earnest. It is full. It creates a full opening for the light to shine through. Although small, envision how bright a pinpoint of light appears in complete darkness.
The prayer for these beings is most effective when made in pure love, not with the intention of to have them stop their actions, their perpetuation of suffering, but to see fully and know these beings, their motivations and doings, and meet that with full, complete, unconditional love with no attachment to outcome. This is most powerful. The beings of the Confederation and the inner planes have attempted to bring light to these beings, to send love, to send thoughts of harmony and positive seeking of the Creator. However, for the third density other self who is the recipient of the direct action of these beings to turn fully to these beings and show love is more powerful than any other being not occupying this illusion could ever hope to convey.
We see your efforts in your daily prayer. This has been most beneficial to these beings. We see your intention to gather those also called to this prayer sending, to come together and call for this sending, this prayer of love to these beings. We advise this is of great efficacy. This is the beginnings we saw of the formation of a social memory complex.
We find your current sending of prayer to be most adequate and your intention to gather those so called to this prayer and your other intention, we will refrain from commenting, but encourage you and the instrument to pursue in earnest. We find we may offer no additional insight as you are well on your journey here. If this has been answered to your satisfaction, my brother. We may move on.
5.6 Questioner It has. Thank you so much. The next question is on behalf of the channel. You previously said that you and the instrument viewed time as circular. She tried to explain her view of time to the group using a book bent cover to cover to create a circle, indicating that consciousness exists in the center, and that time or space travel was just projecting one's consciousness to a specific page. This was very confusing to the group. Could you comment on this and try to relay the concept of space and time and or time travel?
Quetzalcoatl Yes. Thank you. We do enjoy this opportunity to speak to this concept which we relayed some time ago prior to our formal contact to this instrument. During a time of meditation, she mentally announced that she was open to receiving any communication from the Confederation. Thus, we answered. We found her abstract mind could understand this concept of time/space, and space/time. Thus, we relayed the image of a single point of consciousness with many lines or projections branching off in a circular or spherical type configuration. The points/projections/pages/lines of that which was, is, branching from the point of consciousness, representing the time/space, space/time as we understand it. The explanation of the instrument, we found only to be lacking in that the book utilized was not spherical. We will emphasize the basic concept.
What is the true nature of reality, of experience? All is here. All is now. The here and now is eternal, is your eternal point of presence. Thus, we invite you to envision yourself as a point, as an existence of consciousness. This consciousness exists here and now, always. This consciousness may travel or project its awareness to certain destinations in time/space. Time and space are the same when viewed as a sphere of different locations one could project their consciousness to. One can see how these are the same and it is only in the third density illusion that they appear to be different and unrelated.
We find this is an immensely challenging concept to relay. However, using this model during time of meditation and releasing the learned constraints of the laws of physics and possibilities of this world, one may be able to experience this diagram we have illustrated and thus more deeply understand or truly remember the true nature of space/time, time/space. The concept of time travel is the focused purposeful projection of one's awareness or portion of consciousness to a location in time/space, space/time. This is the true nature of time and space travel. We will attempt an exercise to elaborate on how most members of the Confederation in the upper densities travel.
Picture in your mind, your point of consciousness. It is here. It is now. You view these points all around you, this sphere of dots all around you. You recognize a dot, which is the location of planet Earth in the year 1992. You project your consciousness, your awareness, to this time/space location. You desire to appear in a shape of a pyramid, let us say, a golden pyramid. You desire to have your awareness placed in the skies above, let us say, the United States. Thus you have traveled by thought-form to the skies above the United States in this year [1992]. However, you are truly always here, always now.
We find that was quite a chunk to chew upon and thus we will move on.
5.7 Questioner I'd like to ask some questions around the prayers for the elites because I think that this will be a difficult acceptance for many. So, my first question around the elites is are they seekers or wanderers or of some other density coming back each time? And my next question is, it seems that what you were saying is that there's a need to turn the other cheek, a need for forgiveness toward them in this love, in these loving prayers for them. Is that consistent? We in our Ra Material today, there was discussion of the importance of in karma, to push karma to have forgiveness, and I would love to hear your thoughts on that.
Quetzalcoatl A great many queries of interest here. Let us begin. We wish to clarify that we do not advise to turn the other cheek for to turn the other cheek one would not be facing fully the one to which the prayer is being sent. To look fully in the eye, these beings. To shine your full face and awareness, seeing, knowing, understanding unto these beings is most powerful. This is an unveiling of the cloak of darkness.
The question of their origin is one we must tread lightly upon and emphasize with a great deal that it is of no importance. For they are as we, as all, your brothers and sisters in seeking the Eternal Creator Father, they are the Creator as you, as I, as All. They choose by mechanism of incarnation the experience of this planet Earth in the third density. They bring with them a distortion, a great hunger for power, dominance, control. We are quite limited by the Law of Confusion in commenting further upon the nature of their reincarnation and emphasize only that it is of no significance or importance in the working of prayer and love. That which you are asked of to accept, is yourself. These beings are us. Are you. Are we. They are the darkest parts of the collective shadow itself of this race of beings upon your planet. The beings of this planet have collectively failed to expose these darkest parts of the self to the light. The instrument spoke earlier of her experience in a much earlier portion of her life where she polarized negatively in this lifetime. She spoke of choosing a type of environment to be born into which would increase to great quantity the suffering upon her being thus pushing her towards the left hand path.
In this experience she became familiar to a deep personal level, the path of the negative polarity. We find there would be greater benefit to her speaking of this personal polarization to begin to bring forth the... workings which... we are finding difficulty. There is some greeting occurring, which is creating difficulty in the communication. We...We will continue. The words will be somewhat less accurate, we advise. In the working of finding acceptance, complete unconditional acceptance, for those who are reveling in darkness requires the knowing and understanding either by direct experience or sharing of experience of the path of the negative polarity. We find this instrument entered her incarnation a highly positively polarized being and through great suffering sought relief in the negative path. Later, again, reclaiming the path of light. This is a highly unusual incarnational experience in that it has occurred in one lifetime.
We find it would be of benefit for her to relay this journey so that the positive- We pause for the instrument to weather the muscle spasms resulting from greeting and to allow her to retune to the frequency of love through pain distortion. We will pause to permit her request to send love to the offerers of this greeting, we find it would be of benefit for the group as a whole to pause and send love to the senders of this greeting and to send love to the instrument who experiences severe muscle spasm at this time, let us pause.
We find this has been most effective. We may continue.
In summary, to accept the purveyors of darkness or that which seems to be negative. We remind that many whom you see acting in a negative sense are but pawns of the negative polarity and are quite asleep in their own cycle of destruction. In finding acceptance for these beings upon your planet, we emphasize the knowing of the path of the negative polarity, we correct, the experience of the being who seeks the path of the negative polarity. At this present moment to this group, the source of the information is... there is much interference. We will simplify. The instrument is a great source for this information for this group.
[Long pause]
We are assessing the ability of the instrument to continue. We find that one more query may be asked at this time.
5.8 Questioner Quetzalcoatl, you said in the previous session that true healing was one of many gifts lost to this world. What are some of the other many gifts that were lost? And do we have the ability to retrieve these gifts?
Quetzalcoatl We request, my brother, that you save this particular query for the next session for we would like to speak to greater expansion on this topic than what is presently available for utilization. We apologize, my brother. We look forward to addressing this query.
Questioner Thank you. I look forward to speaking to you again as well.
Quetzalcoatl We ask if there is a brief query before we end this session?
5.9 Questioner Yes. The channel wanted to know if there's any way, we can improve this contact or its protection?
Quetzalcoatl The contact is excellent. The channel is highly accurate with the exception of the instances of severe greeting. The protection of the working would be benefited by a greater balance of protectors and "beamers", The ones known as Peggy, Chuck, and Stephanie are radiating with great brilliancy, pure love. The ones known as Greg and Derek are radiating with their being, great light. This is a balance. The word "beamers" has been used jokingly by the group to describe those members who radiate with love.
The number is slightly askew. Thus a third in the protector role would be of benefit. However, if it is desired to continue in this configuration, this would be adequate.
[Anika reports later to the group that she received a mental image of her cat Ix who often lays next to her during channeling. Thus indicating Ix plays a role as a protector]
We find no other areas which may be further improved upon. We must be brief in our farewell to you at this time. All is well. Your group is astounding in its congruence of abilities, energies and personalities. We look forward to continue to see this grow. We leave you now in the love and light of our Eternal Father Creator.
Post Session Notes
The link below will take you the prayer created by Anika and Derek. This prayer should be recited in full as it has many protective elements.
We would encourage all for whom this resonates to join us in this committed sending of love/light, acceptance and healing to those "elites" whose journeys have begun and ended in suffering, time and time again.
We give thanks to all who have taken the time to read this communication and are as intrigued and inspired by it as we. Thank you for joining us on this journey in open hearts and minds.