May 4th, 2024
Total Time: 67 minutes 07 seconds
Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious
Quetzalcoatl is the name of a group of beings that have joined together in what is called a "social memory complex" and communicate as one entity. They originated on the planet Venus and are in their 6th density (dimension) of experience. They visited earth approximately 10,000 years ago to answer the calling of the people in the Central and South Americas. They came to teach the Law of One. After the channel (Anika) makes contact with Quetzalcoatl she challenges them 3 times to ensure the validity of the contact and to strengthen it. Once Quetzalcoatl meets her challenges, she then lies down and enters a deep state of channeling. Once an adequately deep state of channeling has been reached, Quetzalcoatl initiates communication.
Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We come to you with great joy in this gathering, we are filled with much delight upon having the opportunity to join with you all again. It is a great pleasure to be a guest at this table of open hearts and communications. We wish to impart on you all today hope, peace, love and seeing One as All. We seek not to create any confusion or misalignment in your present systems of belief, so if any of our words are not aligned with your present state of being, please disregard them at once.
We wish to introduce ourselves more fully than was available previously. We are beings of the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator. We are the social memory complex known as Quetzalcoatl. We originated on the planet Venus as with those of Ra, with whom you are quite familiar. We have worked with these beings of Ra for many of your years and joined together in answering the calling that was put forth by the beings of your planet some many thousands of your years ago, as you would see it. We worked with those of Ra to divide our forces in answering this great call. Those of Ra went to those beings of the Egyptian race as you would know them. We answered the call of those in the Central South Americas as you know this land mass. We were congruent in our efforts to bring knowledge of the One Infinite Creator to those who sought this knowledge. We also brought various mechanisms of healing and seeking within Oneself. As with the teachings of Ra, our teachings were horribly corrupted in ways that brought forth great suffering to this region, in the form of human sacrifice. Thus, we are obligated to your people to correct these teachings as they were quite manipulated.
We do not see this as a failure but as a strange path which the Creator needed to take that we did not foresee. Thus, we are obligated to follow with the pathway that this has taken and work closely with those of this planet in unseen ways to try to bring them back to the heart of the original teachings. We do this by mechanism of inspiration, of feeling, of dreams, which are centered on the Oneness of Creation. We have not in the past been able to channel as in the way we are channeling in this session presently. Thus, we are quite overjoyed at the opportunity to speak so directly in a way where the teachings can be uncorrupted. We trust this instrument to accurately relay our teachings without corruption for she is pure at heart and has correctly sought those also pure of heart to join in this working. Thus, you all together create a beacon seen by many and an energy field which welcomes us and what we seek to bring to this world. We see there are many queries at this time. We are quite amused by some of these queries and will find great joy in being of service in the answering of these queries. You may begin the first asking now. Quetzalcoatl is referring to the beings of Ra which were contacted by the LL Research group. This is known as, "The Ra Material".
2.1 Questioner Thank you for being here with us and for trusting us. So, you said you were from the planet Venus, and we understand that Venus is a fourth density planet, and that Quetzalcoatl has identified themselves as a sixth density entity. So, this is confusing to us, can you help us understand?
Quetzalcoatl Yes, we would be happy to explain this situation to you. The cycles of each planet are unique. The cycle of your own planet will revert to second density after the harvestable population transitions to the fourth density and thus your planet will in a sense host multiple densities. In this we can explore further the mechanisms by which our home planet Venus is now fourth density. It has cycled in several ways to now be reaching this 4th density and thus we no longer reside upon this planet. If you can imagine a watch, as in a stopwatch, being set back to time after the “laps” are completed you can see how the planet also functions in these cycles.
As we complete our sixth density experience, we will move to a plane which is difficult for even us to describe to you as we have not reached this precipice yet. We are far along in the sixth density experience and yet the seventh octave remains a mystery to even us. What we can say is that this seventh density will bring us closer to the Creator in a more pure sense and we feel the pull to this transition as you feel the pull to the fourth density. It is upon you. You are walking in the time of twilight, not quite night yet certainly not daytime. You feel this significantly, this shift, yet you cannot quite put your finger upon it. We may suggest that the behaviors of those around you reflect this change for you are beginning to notice an open mindedness which was previously closed.
As this being next to the instrument has said, “it is like discovering we are in a fantasy that we always wished we were”. Indeed, my friends you are. This is the world unfurling its greatest secrets which have been kept from you in a state of unknowing. We wish to confirm that there are many events which will unfold and yet this is the limit to which we can speak of these events. Know that there is great joy heading into the horizon. We are ready for the next query.
2.2 Questioner Thank you. J asks “I am curious as to why Quetzalcoatl said it is urgent that action be taken to respond to the difficulties that the population of earth has been creating?”
Quetzalcoatl We appreciate the intellect and depth of this question from the one known as J for he is quite familiar to us and is motivated to get to the heart of this matter. The urgency which was relayed in the initial messages to this instrument were pertaining to the possibility/probability vortices of the planetary mind transitioning into one of hopelessness. When there is actually much hope available to you. We sought to relay the message of hope and light in this urgent sense to be of service for it catches the attention of the fearful mind but allows the fearful mind to digest the positive message. We were trying to be a bit clever in our delivery. It seemed to have worked.
The heart of the one known as J's query is pertaining to what those of this planet may be up to in needing our injection of hope and this sense of urgency. Indeed, we relay no surprising information that many of your planet are focused on the doom and the gloom around them for there are many forces which feast upon this buffet of tumultuous emotion. Instead, one must realize the choice is theirs for you may be able to in fact change what you see around you. You are all the Creator you are all Co-Creators in this reality of earth as you enjoy this experience. In your mind you create fear, and this materializes before you, that setting of fear in your mind. You create love and this materializes before you, the absolute manifestations of love. We are emphasizing that each of you creates what each of you experiences individually and as a whole you only need to focus on your own actions and state of mind to brighten the worlds of those around you.
You are all co-creating together in congruency and harmonious or disharmonious interactions. To simply bring love to your creation allows the other to tune their creation to your love. Let that be that upon which you ponder in your daily experiences. The one known as J is a great friend to us, we are quite familiar with him and he has received some of our communication in the sending of joyful and harmonious emotion. We find that we may not utilize him as an instrument in the direct channeling communication but enjoy his presence.
We are ready for the next query.
2.3 Questioner Can you offer any advice and suggestions to help us better cultivate hope?
Quetzalcoatl This is a beautiful question, and we thank you, our brother, for this simple yet highly effective query. We find that there is indeed a perceived barrier to accessing the ability to be the relater or purveyor of hope among your people. Many would see that you are delusional or unaware of the situations and events unfolding around you. As this instrument has remarked, her feeling of joy and hope for this year in particular seems out seems out of sync with the events around her yet she is able to transmit the hope through emotion. We find the mindset of hope to be most beneficial in sharing. We do not seek to advise that you ignore the tragedies, pain and suffering which plague this planet but to see these situations with love. To see that there is hope and thus in your conversations with the other selves acknowledging these events and still persisting in the hope of a brighter future would be most beneficial.
To ignore these events would be detrimental, for you would be seen as isolating yourself in the bubble of blissful ignorance. No my friends this is not necessary. You may look upon with open eyes all that is before you and maintain the mindset of hope. This would be most beneficial to the other selves who do not experience beings with these mindsets often.
We are ready for the next query.
2.4 Questioner: Thank you. We know other channelings have set limits placed on how many people can attend. What amount of people should be allowed to attend our channelings to preserve its potency and safety?
Quetzalcoatl Yes that is a fine question, and we are reminded by the instrument that in our excitement we have foregone her initial request and thus would like to peddle back a bit and confirm that we are those of Quetzalcoatl. We apologize, my sister, for we have never spoken through an instrument such as yourself and we may be getting ahead of ourselves, but we find you can feel our energy and thus know no interference has occurred however we wish to respect your requests and so let us begin.
We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We thank you, my brother, for this pertinent question. We find that the number of attendees is not meaningful, only that they seek with open hearts and minds and bring this energy to this channeling. It is not the quantity but the quality which should determine the attendance. We thank you, my brother, for this question. Has it been answered to your satisfaction?
Questioner Yes, thank you.
Quetzalcoatl We are happy to be of service. We are ready for the next query.
2.5 Questioner So in our last… in the first session, when we asked about the area that you inhabited during your time here on the planet you said it was South America and showed the instrument both or all three of North America, Central America and South America. Was it…is this correct that you were on all of these land masses? And if so, were the people of the time of one tribe or were they of different tribes?
Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We thank you for this clarification. We showed the instrument a globe upon which the land masses of North, Central and South America were displayed. This was simply due to the logistics of the globe image where it would be strange, shall we say, if we erased the continent of North America yet we did not go to this area as you know it. We came to those people of what is your South America and later a modern term of Central America. These people were not of a unified- we pause- The instrument has discomfort, we must pause, we would advise the instrument visit the bathroom, it is distracting.
[Pause while instrument utilizes the bathroom, instrument returns. Derek leaves to go to bathroom]
We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We confirm we are still present with you and will await in the eaves for the other member of the circle to return and resume comfortably their place.
[Pause while Derek returns]
We welcome back to the circle, the one known as Derek. We wish to confirm you are comfortable, my brother, before we begin.
Derek Yes, thank you.
Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We resume our response to the query stated previously.
We attended to the calling of those groups of beings in the Central South Americas.
These beings were not united as one civilization or tribe or group or community, yet they did share a racial mind which had found concurrently the seeking of knowledge for the One Infinite Creator and thus we came to several groups of these people. Sometimes our efforts caused a uniting amongst the smaller groups who realized their joining was of great benefit and who could, through our teachings, see that they were more similar than different.
Thus the great building of structures could be enacted. For this requires planning, production and community working together. Our walking among the peoples of this region did result in the unification of those you know now as the Aztec, as the Maya, as the Olmec, as the Toltec and the other which the instrument does not have in her mind with enough familiarity to draw upon but we might suggest you investigate these groups for the name of the other, if that needs to be confirmed at a later date we would be happy to do so. These names of which you are familiar are the descendants of those which we interacted with.
Unfortunately these groups received not our pure teachings but our corrupted teachings for by the time they reached these civilizations they were already under another's influence which seek to use the power of our words for a darker objective.
The beings with whom we interacted were kind people not disposed to warfare or economic slavery. They were advanced spiritually and desired greater information and healing ability. This is what we passed down to them. We are ready for the next query.
2.6 Questioner Thank you Quetzalcoatl. Using our system of measuring time called years. How many years ago did you split off from Ra and appear to the… respond to the calling in Central and South America?
Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We appeared to these beings approximately one oh oh oh oh (10,000) of your years ago. The instrument has difficulty receiving numerical quantities. Let us re-attempt. We advise the instrument to get more physical relief. The time which we walked the earth was three oh oh oh (3,000) of your years ago. Yes, this is the correct number. We did return unlike those of Ra. To avoid violation of free will, we might suggest that a question be proposed distinguishing between the time of our initial contact and the return of our contact to these people. If this is not desired, we may move on.
2.7 Questioner So as you have mentioned you did return and did you return to the same place in South and Central America or did you return to a different place?
Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We returned to the same place and other places to attempt to bring forth an enlightened civilization in that area which you call the Amazon rainforest. Many of these structures are uncovered. Some are known and yet it is quite unknown for what was their purpose.
We returned to further our teachings that were previously set in motion. We desired to help these beings establish a more robust presence and to further the teachings so they may reach all who were called. Thus you may think of the return visit as the intention of the setting up of a satellite by which the Confederation beings such as ourselves would no longer be needed to walk directly among your people but our ways could be passed down by those students of ours who were successful in absorbing these teachings. This is what we sought to accomplish in the Amazon and it was at first successful. However, we found that the teachings did eventually fall prey to the influx of bellicosities from other regions and the transfer of the desire for power and wealth.
We did not seek to walk among your people again in this way. Having found it was not as successful as we had hoped. And thus, we have the honor/duty to remain. We are now ready for the next query if this has been answered to your satisfaction, my sister?
2.8 Questioner I have some follow-ups to that. What was the time frame from your first entrance here to this one in the Amazon?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. Thank you for picking up on our not so obscured hinting. This instrument has some difficulty with receiving the numerical information. We find this is due to her inherent perceiving of time as circular and thus we find it is amusing for she has the same difficulty with time as we in converting it to the time/space of which you are familiar.
However, we would like to try to relay this information and we assure the instrument she only needs to do the best she can. We believe that relaying these distinctions may be helpful in providing the context of your historical record so let us try to define our initial contact on earth in the form of which your people could recognize was approximately three oh oh oh (3,000) of your years in the past.
The time of our return contact was approximately [pause] we will re-attempt.
The time of our return contact was one oh oh oh (1,000) of your years ago. Yes this is correct. It is approximate one oh oh oh (1,000). We confirm for the instrument three oh oh oh (3,000). We confirm for the instrument this time frame though not exact we hope will provide historical context to our contact. Is there a follow-up query?
2.9 Questioner: Well in fact… well thank you. In fact, one thousand years ago was the peak of the Aztec civilization, much construction was done involving canals, farming, pyramids. How much were you involved in that construction or was this all done by the people of the Aztecs?
Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We appreciate the follow-up to this subject. The Aztecs were not a people who were directly contacted by our group. They did inherit the teachings of those who preceded them and followed in some cases with a great deal of accuracy the building of the pyramid structures. During the time of the Aztecs [this building of pyramid structures] was much more grand than what we had taught to the beings who proceeded, we correct, who preceded the Aztecs. Building of the Aztec pyramids often was a reconstruction of much older structures. The Aztecs greatly admired those from which they inherited these teachings. They studied the artifacts which they inherited and mimicked with great capacity the structural buildings known as the pyramids. The defining feature being that which differed from our own, that being the closed building atop the pyramid.
This feature was added for elite… elitism. The structure being used as a temple of ritual, as a place for those elites in this society to practice their religion which was but a whisper of a shred of our teachings. You may find that our constructions are often hidden within the Aztec buildings. They are mostly yet to be discovered. In some cases, as we have mentioned, the Aztecs, the Maya and others did not build directly atop our structures but restored the structures that were already present. Thus these structures which may not represent to your scientists a feat of many years in the past are in fact much older in the sense that they have been restored from older structures. In our pyramid building, we are less ornate, less obstructive of the vision of one who would stand at the top. The pyramid buildings which are available to the general public, we emphasize many of the pyramid buildings are not available for your knowledge or viewing, and differ greatly from those which you have been allowed to view. The defining factor of our pyramid structures was the open top by which the being could fully absorb the sky, earth and all within it and feel the Oneness with all. You will not find this feature present in those pyramid structures which you may view.
We, in our minds, consider that civilization of the Aztec to be a modern one. In the sense that they followed an economically suppressive system and sought to conquer others to absorb into their structure. They had a highly hierarchal society of elites, of keepers of knowledge, of laborers. The transfer of knowledge was non-existent. Though the Aztec are most well-known to you, they are descendants of the “ancient ones” who preceded them. Those who remember us as we were, but they fear to reveal any of these stories. We may say that we feel, due to the physical discomfort the instrument experiences with prolonged communication, that we may at this time ask if there is a final query?
2.10 Questioner Is there a name for these “ancient ones” ?
Quetzalcoatl The name is not inclusive of all who were the descendants of those that we interacted with and thus we cannot provide an exact answer to this question for the notion of the “ancient ones” is held by the indigenous, as you would call them, tribes of the jungles of Central and South America. These people do not remember much in specificity of record but recall in their racial mind the knowledge that was once a part of them and thus although they do not remember the function of these structures they are imprinted with their sacredness. Their tales center on a time of a more golden age that fell to destruction. The "ancient ones” is like a myth, an all-inclusive idea by which the people may communicate the stories. There is no specific name for these people. They did not seek to define themselves in such a way but only saw that they were members of the human tribe.
We may at some time in the future be able to get closer to the various names and terms by which they referred to themselves. This information is lost to history, in fact the names of many of these older civilizations which are known have been given these names, their naming of themselves being quite different.
We are Quetzalcoatl. We thank you for coming together in this joining of hearts and minds, for you in this coming together have undertaken the formation of what you know as a social memory complex. We encourage you to continue to be open with one another, joining in your thinking. It is quite beautiful for us to witness. There is much we would like to relay to you however we will simply depart with words of love, hope, joy and the eternal fulfillment of the seeking of the One. We leave you now in the love and the light of our Father Creator, of which we are all apart. We hope to meet again soon. Adonai.
Post Session Notes
In question 2.1 we attempted to determine the current density of Venus. We are aware that the question and the response contained information that represents a discrepancy with the channeling known as the "Ra Material". Numbers and time are the most difficult concepts to channel. In the work known as the "Ra Material", the questioner, Don Elkins, had to go back many times and make numerous corrections and clarifications when these topics arose, and this was with even with trance channeling which is more accurate than the conscious channeling that we are doing. We may in the future ask Quetzalcoatl for clarification.
In questions 2.6 and 2.8 we attempted to receive the approximate time frames for Quetzalcoatl’s walking of our earth. As noted by Quetzalcoatl there was great difficulty in accurately converting this to our reference of time and there are obvious inconsistencies. We believe that the first number (10,000 years ago) which was stated for their first walking of the earth when they came with Ra was what they intended to relay. And the subsequent 3,000 years (so 7,000 years ago) was what they intended to relay for their return (as in 3,000 years later from their initial visit). We may confirm this at a later session. However, as stated above, time as we know it is the most difficult information for the Confederation beings to communicate and thus, we may need to resign ourselves to accept rough, sometimes quite rough, approximations.