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In Remembrance of Our Crystal Light Brother

In January of 2025 we said goodbye to Kevin, our crystal light brother, who unexpectedly departed his incarnation. The following post is in honor of a wonderful being who was a true load bearing structure in the heart of Red Cord Channeling. He will be forever missed, however his presence will likewise be forever felt.

Kevin joined Red Cord Channeling as a questioner several months into the Quetzalcoatl Contact. His wisdom, keen insight and intuition in questioning brought forth some of the most notable information in the Quetzalcoatl Contact. He was wholly dedicated to being of service to others and bringing forth the light to the darkness. His role cannot be understated. In fact, our most recent channeling, The Atlantean Contact, would have been impossible to accomplish without him.

Kevin was a student of the Law Of One for approximately 10 years prior to joining the group. He was known for being quite reserved and introverted in the beginning, but we really began to see the walls come down and this incredible being of light flourish as we grew together as a group.

Throughout his life, he suffered great physical pain from a chronic medical condition. This spurred his passion for healing and helping others to heal. He explored to a magnificent degree, the metaphysical properties of crystals and pyramids. He became known as our expert in these areas. His medical condition had worsened considerably in recent months, accelerating especially the physical pain he endured. This would not have been noticed by the outside observer for even in this test of endurance Kevin carried himself with an otherworldly sense of grace. Kevin was truly otherworldly, and it was clear that he came to this life with a great purpose.

Kevin was conscientious, compassionate, thoughtful, highly intelligent and an ardent seeker of the true nature of reality. He had a clever sense of humor and a sharp wit. A rare gem of a human being. He will be missed dearly by all who were blessed with the gift of his friendship and presence.

Although Anika was the channel for the Quetzalcoatl and Atlantean sessions, she was not the only channel in Red Cord. Kevin possessed a unique and adept channeling ability which Anika believed and told him often was much greater than her own. He was a being of many talents yet practiced sincere humility and humbleness. He was never one to put such talents on display, so it was always a delight for the group when we caught such a glimpse.

Below is a transcript of one of the last channelings Kevin shared with us. In consideration of what has come to pass since that session, it feels more significant than ever. It cannot be overstated how much we will miss our crystal light brother. Through his unique actions and dedication, he brought forth much needed light into this world. He will forever be in our hearts and a cherished part of Red Cord Channeling.

May our crystal light brother known to us as Kevin, go forth and rejoice in the love and the light, the power and the peace of our One Infinite Creator.

November 11th, 2024: Kevin channeling his Guidance System on the topic of "Hope"

My brother, we are with you again with a message that we believe should be impressed

upon you. We wish to speak again of hope and of despair. Hope has its origin in the

One Creator. It has no beginning and knows no end.

It is that continual knowing of the self, that yearning for the love and the light that lies

ever within. Hope is not subject to the circumstances imposed by your illusion. You

might know of hope in terms of what may occur on a given day, a preference for a

particular outcome and so on. The hope of which we speak is the seeking of the

Creator, by the Creator, for the Creator, in ecstatic anticipation that the Creator will be


This my brother, is why hope is everlasting; because what is there ever but the One

Creator to be found? What is there ever to hope for but the experience of the One? It is

in this light that you might understand hope as of having lasting value, of having

permanence, of having an eternal principle, whereas despair is an illusion. To despair is

to obfuscate hope with illusory circumstances. When the perspective is expanded

enough, any notion of despair necessarily dispels.

Despair is a smudge on the glass, it is debris on the lens which dampens the light and

may appear to encompass reality for a given period of time. However, given the

passage of enough time and given the scale of enough space, despair will necessarily

be seen for what it is - a trick of the light; a distortion.

What is there ever to hope for but the One?

We wish you to meditate upon hope. We wish you to discover that within you which is

hopeful. We wish you to find the hope in everyday life, for it is ever there. We wish you

to cleanse your notion of hope that you may see more clearly that each moment

overflows with the opportunity to see the self, to see others in a new light, from a new

perspective, from a new moment in time.

When you gaze upon the illusion which is finite in nature through eyes of hope, which

gaze upon the infinite, that which is transitory and illusory is seen for what it truly is. We

wish not to speak into redundance.

We hope we have offered the eternal aspect of hope and we hope we have offered

perspective of despair in its finite and transient nature. We leave you now in the glory

in the power, in the peace of the One Infinite Creator.


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