Shang Gao
Nov 22, 2024
This post is an in-depth examination about Ra's statement from the Law of One channeling series that the requirement to graduate from 3rd to 4th density is to be 51% service to others (or 95% service to self). What does this threshold mean, and how is that percentage measured or tracked?
First, I think it's important to establish the mechanism of harvest and what it is. There are two distinct "flavors" of harvest mentioned in the Law of One by Ra, but ultimately they are both essentially the same. The first flavor is the cycle-based harvesting, in which natural cosmic cycles create natural windows for mass harvesting within a particular planetary sphere (see 9.4). Ra suggests that this is caused by the planet entering a "higher vibrational space" due to its natural orbit (see 13.23), and this higher vibrational configuration enables all entities residing within a planetary influence (space/time and time/space) to go through the harvest process should they meet the criteria. These cosmic cycles also dictate when a planet naturally enters energy fields conducive (or not conducive) for supporting life at particular densities.
The second flavor of harvest is achieved entirely through individual effort and discipline independent of cosmic cycles, in which an entity opens up all their energy centers up to the 8th and contacts intelligent infinity and is thus able to initiate harvest immediately regardless of where they are in the greater cosmic cycle (see 11.8, 14.6, 17.25).
In both cases, the actual act of "harvesting" is the same -- a process which occurs between incarnations (see 63.20) where a mind/body/spirit complex is moved or "graduated" into a higher density of being (i.e., body complex or physical vehicle) appropriate for their continued growth, learning, and being. Furthermore, regardless of the circumstances of harvest, it is the entity themself (specifically, their mind/body/spirit totality) that evaluates one's own progress and decides whether or not to be harvested and at what density to be placed after the harvest procedure, not some external judge or helper or force (see 10.9, 48.7, 51.1). The densities of our universe are like a staircase of light, with each step being more intense in light than the previous, and it is up to the individual entity themself to determine the intensity that is most appropriate for their continued beingness (see 6.14, 82.29).
So then what are the requirements to harvest into 4th density, and what does 51% service to others or 95% service to self have to do with it?
To better address these questions, we can first look at the conditions of 4th density and what being in 4th density entails. Ra provides some hints about this: a key component of progress within 4th density is collective action via the social memory complex -- essentialy a unified society of mind/body/spirit complexes that functions as a single cohesive unit (see 11.17). Whereas the goal of 3rd density is for an individual entity to polarize positive or negative, the goal of 4th density is for the social memory complex as a group to perfect their capacity for compassion and understanding by interacting with other-selves within the social memory complex or with lesser polarized mind/body/spirit complexes outside the social memory complex (see 45.11, 47.6, 48.6).
Ra further hints that the 4th density vehicle and associated conditions of being are naturally conducive to the formation and function of these social memory complex units: an inherent property of 4th density appears to be that of transparency -- one cannot hide oneself or one's own thoughts from oneself or from other-selves (see 16.50, 66.30). It is likely that telepathy and telekinesis are innate abilities of 4th density bodies, similar to how the capacity for self-awareness is an innate capability available for 3rd density bodies. Furthermore, the rate of manifestation of thought into reality is likely much faster within 4th density compared to 3rd density, such that any disharmonies, either internal or external, are immediately noticeable and unable to be ignored (see 40.9). These are all conditions which foster the core lessons of 4th density -- those of understanding oneself and others with the goal of service to all beings within Creation (positive) or one's own personal gain (negative) -- and ready the 4th density entity for the 5th density lessons of wisdom, light, and reality.
So going back to the harvest from 3rd to 4th density: why are the 51% and 95% thresholds significant and how are they measured?
In short, these levels of polarity indicate the minimum threshold of will and faith required to persist within a 4th density environment (see 47.3). In my interpretation, attaining 51% service to others is not a measure of doing more "good" than "harm", rather, it is a threshold of faith -- in a situation where push comes to shove, will an individual put aside their own personal interests and work toward the collective good and have faith that their fellow beings will do the same, thus ensuring everyone's survival and prosperity? This attitude is absolutely necessary for the formation of a positive social memory complex because it prevents the tragedy of the commons in which individual entities act in their own interest at the expense of their neighbors. Below the 51% threshold, a positive social memory complex cannot exist because any stressful situation causes the collective cohesion and social structure to collapse. "Blessed Are Those Who Plant Trees Under Whose Shade They Will Never Sit."
Similarly on the negative side, the 95% polarity threshold indicates an equivalent will and faith to persist for oneself within an environment of extreme competition and ruthlessness (see 38.14). The negative polarity is one where other-selves are viewed simply as objects or tools for the purposes of personal gain, and compassion for others is weakness to be taken advantage of. Whereas the positive faith manifests as willingness to give oneself for the collective good regardless of self-interest, the negative faith manifests as the sincere and unshakable belief that expecting any sort of genuine help or service from others is folly and only through one's own ambition and drive is it possible to persist and survive. This belief forms the foundation for 4th density negative social memory complexes, and without it one would not have the mentality or capacity to endure within such a structure. "Sometimes it's a dog-eat-dog world and the rest of the time it's the other way around."
Those who have not attained 51% positive or 95% negative polarity reside in the "sinkhole of indifference" (see 17.33) -- it is not that these entities are not "good people", it is that these entities lack the proper discipline, will, and faith necessary to form and take part in a resilient society/social memory complex set up to progress through the lessons of 4th density. As the inpouring of 4th density energies envelope our planet and the speed of manifestation drastically increases, those unpolarized end up manifesting situations of lack, isolation, helplessness, decay, madness, and/or self-destruction at both the individual and collective level. We are seeing this now on our planet (see 40.15).
The harvest is now, and the work to create the new 4th density earth is already underway. While Earth already resides within a 4th density energy field, much of the population is still in a 3rd density mindset -- that is, they have not reached 51% service to others nor 95% service to self (see 6.16, 8.2, 13.22). Our planet is one of 30% of planets which have mixed harvests of both positive and negative orientation (see 65.13). In most mixed harvests, a small percentage achieve the conditions for positive polarization and harvest, an even smaller percentage achieve the conditions for negative polarization and harvest, and the vast majority remain unpolarized and repeat the cycle. This is currently the case for our planet, and it is on track to eventually transition into a positive 4th density planet and host a positive social memory complex after an adjustment period of approximately 100-700 years (see 17.1, 17.23, 17.24, 40.8, 63.9).
In conclusion, for those entities wishing to be harvestable 4th density, the goal should not be the counting or measuring of one's own specific external acts against an abstract 51% or 95% yardstick. Rather, the goal should be the alignment and refinement of one's own consciousness toward the positive or negative polarity such that the appropriate philosophy is internalized and engrained into one's very beingness. This is achieved via the careful examination and processing of daily catalyst, the diligent and disciplined balancing of one's energy centers, the earnest seeking of polarization and its opportunities through prayer, contemplation, and meditation, and the conscious practice of service to others or service to self in each and every moment and choice (See 10.14). The distractions are many, and the path is strait and narrow, but at the end lies the Gateway to Intelligent Infinity and the Kingdom of the Creator.