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Origins of The Quetzalcoatl Contact
A Narrative Essay by Greg

As those of Quetzalcoatl state, there are many paths we can choose to follow in this third-density experience. Quetzalcoatl encourages us to create a “patchwork experience” by picking and choosing from different sources when we are charting a path to follow. 


In this essay, I will examine how our group and our connection with a sixth-density collective came to be. But in true patchwork fashion, I will first examine some of Quetzalcoatl’s journey. Where did they come from? And to speak to a circle of individuals in a simple living room. 


The social memory complex known as Quetzalcoatl originated on the planet Venus. Having achieved the sixth density of spiritual development, those of Quetzalcoatl sought to be of service to those on Earth. They responded to a call in Central and South America from groups called “The Ancient Ones”, human beings who lived long before the ones we call the Aztecs, Maya, etc. After their teachings became “horribly corrupted” in ways well-known to human history (e.g., human sacrifice), they retreated. Over time their identity was conflated with that of a deity with the form of a winged serpent. That was not who they were. They did not advocate violence or bloodletting of any sort, only love and healing. They decided to wait for a channel tuned to their vibration of love and a supportive group around that channel. Over time, they channeled through individuals occasionally but found it difficult to break through our fear. They waited.


To move to how Red Cord Channeling formed: Several of us had our “awakening” in September 2022. That’s when Peggy, Stephanie and I attended the Coming Home event held by L/L Research in Asheville NC. This is when we “discovered who you really are,” as Quetzalcoatl said in our first contact. The three of us started the Heartland Law of One discussion group. Anika came to our group in July 2023. She said she had been searching for such a group for a long time, “a lifetime.” She found a home here. 


She told us she had psychic gifts her whole life but sought to nurture them in greater earnest. She began to do psychic readings for us. Anika, too, awakened to who she really is, and began to radiate a special light through her service to our group. 


The loving soul known as Chuck came to the Heartland Law of One group through our mutual friend. He developed a strong connection to Anika after she gave him a psychic reading. He was a natural addition to our circle. 


Kevin, too, came to the Heartland group and built a friendship with Anika and Derek. Finally, Anika’s husband Derek, has grown immensely as a spiritual being and a protector of Anika and the channeling connection. He provides meditative protection during our meetings and looks after her well-being. He and I have been described as the protectors of the circle. I bring to the circle many protection prayers and meditative techniques learned as a student of Tibetan Buddhism. 


All of these sources of support, combined with an already strong connection to her guides in the unseen realms, provided the space and security for Anika to develop gifts she already had. The love and generosity and desire to be of service to us and to those in need of help must have attracted the attention from Quetzalcoatl. They came to speak to her in the middle of a consultation with her own guides.


As far as the group Red Cord Channeling, the name comes from the red cord given out during Tibetan Buddhist initiations, which some of us have received in the past. 


The last question to address is: Why now? Those of Quetzalcoatl say that they have come because this is a special time, “a time when all is coming to fruition” and “a time when the fruit shall be yielded.” 


The thing we all love about having a dialogue with Quetzalcoatl is the hope they bring. “For now there is much darkness at the forefront of your vision of this world. And we wish for you to see beyond this. There is more; there is light, there is hope, there is celebration on the horizon. We wish for you to take our words as you will. You can believe them or not. But we wish to bring you hope at this time.” We hope we can convey with actionable, empowering messages of love and hope they bring to the world.

First Contact


In March of 2024, Anika was sitting alone in her living room in a state of deep meditation when she suddenly felt an intense resonance vibrate through her being, lifting her voice from her soul to speak out loud to the emptiness before her,


"I fully dedicate my entire being to become the best channel I can be. To be a conduit for the brightest, purest light available to me to shine unto all. I call on the Universe, the Universal Mind, to please bring to me those beings and experiences that will help me to accomplish this task"



On April 4th, 2024 Anika was channeling her Guides in the evening just before going to before bed and asked if there were any messages for her at this time. Typically, they provided messages of encouragement and insight. This time they confirmed there were messages and when asked for the first to be relayed what Anika got what completely different than anything she had ever channeled before. She immediately had her husband Derek who was thankfully next to her at the time transcribe what was coming through. The transcript below details the messages and exchange that took place.



"This message is urgent. There is much afoot on earth at this time. There are many forces which work upon the peoples of your planet and cause them to feel separation from another. This can be undone. This can be brought back to harmony. There are ways this can be accomplished. Love will prevail"



"This message is urgent as well. It pertains to what is happening on Earth at this time. There is much strife and distress among your peoples. But there is hope. There is light to be found so do not despair. There is harmony to be regained"



"This message is urgent. Relates to the hardened emotional exteriors of the ones you encounter in life at this time. This is but a mask. This is not who they are. See beneath the surface. Beings in need of love and light and joy"



"This message is urgent. There is much darkness at the forefront of your vision at this time. Much chaos, much suffering which can be seen but there is hope. There is light that walks among those of this planet. Those who can see those who can feel that presence that vibration which we call love"



Anika Are these messages coming from beings not of my Guidance System?


Unknown Yes.


Anika Why am I receiving this communication?


Unknown You have desired this information/communication.


Anika Who are you?


Unknown We are beings of the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator.


Anika I challenge you beings, in the name of Jesus Christ, do you come in the name of Jesus?


Unknown Yes.


Anika I challenge you in the name of Love. Do you come in the positive polarity in service to others?


Unknown Yes, my child. We come in love and light and service to all.


Anika By what name are you known by, by what can I call you?


Unknown (sounded like) Quetzalcoatl.


Anika I am unprepared and caught off guard by this contact, this communication at this time. I am not ready; I don’t feel comfortable to do this alone... without a group. Can we communicate in the future when I have prepared? When I am ready?


Quetzalcoatl Yes.


Anika Okay I would like to end this communication now.


Quetzalcoatl Yes.



Consulting with Fellow Seekers & Meeting Q'uo


Derek and Anika were very caught off guard and perplexed by this unexpected communication. She immediately contacted those she was closest to, location wise and personally, in her Law of One study group and relayed the experience. The reaction was highly positive but the group wanted to proceed as cautiously as possible, balancing enthusiasm and skepticism.


Anika decided to travel to a channeling session held by L/L Research in Louisville, Kentucky. This was a public meditation channeling session of the principle known as Q'uo that those have L/L Research have been communicating with for many years. Anika and the group desired an outside perspective of the contact with Quetzalcoatl and sought the counsel of Q'uo as well as those of L/L Research. In the time leading up to this event, Anika felt conflicted by the deep pull of her heart which told her this contact with Quetzalcoatl was pure and true versus the endless reeling of her mind which formed circling doubts of how unlikely this could ever possibly be so. She was faced with this paradox of experiencing something so profoundly moving and extraordinary without being able to settle the uncertainty that plagued her waking mind. This inner turmoil was the state she arrived in to the Q'uo Channeling on April 13th, 2024. Here Anika was able to ask three questions  related to Quetzalcoatl, the transcripts of which are below.


Anika I have a query. Q’uo, in the round robin today I spoke of, and Jim spoke of an experience I had recently where I received very positive messages from a group of beings who identified themselves as members of the Confederation as Quetzalcoatl. I was wondering if Q’uo would be able to confirm that these beings are as we suspect a social memory complex of the Quetzalcoatl, members of the Confederation of Planets in service to the One Infinite Creator. And if Q’uo could offer any comment or insight about this contact, this communication?


Q'uo I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my sister. We find this is a query to which you are already in a great deal of awareness of the response being that which you know. In the deeps of your being is the One Creator that exists as your deep mind and which can confirm to you, and for you, that which you feel is true. This is a question which you ask in order that this deep mind, this fulfilling of love, the Creator’s love, then can rise into your conscious mind and speak to you in a manner which we feel you are aware of already.

This is a kind of knowing that the conscious mind frequently questions. For the conscious mind is not totally connected to the perception of the spiritual journey. The conscious mind is often confused and feels a multitude of directions possible as answers to various questions. That is why it is necessary for the spiritual seeker of truth to move deeper beyond the conscious mind to that portion of yourself which knows the answer to each question which you ask.

We feel that you are advanced enough on your own spiritual journey to know the answer to the question that you seek. Especially if you utilize the, we correct this instrument, the technique of meditation which takes you deeper and deeper into your conscious mind, into the mind of the Creator, where the Creator speaks to you, and gives you

those answers which you desire.


Anika Q’uo, I have a query. I am wondering about the Native American language of the Lakota people in the Plains. I have recently had come to mind a medicine ceremony song that has verses in this language. And in singing this song recently, it has struck me how powerful these words are. And how I feel compelled or wanting to, you know, share this with others. So, I was wondering if this language, this Lakota language has any connection to creation similar to Sanskrit, or what are the spiritual principles behind the power I’m feeling from these, from this language, from these words?


Q'uo We are those of Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister, for this query. Indeed, as you know, some languages of your peoples are that which is constructed with less illusory distortion, shall we say. They are closer, as you may see, we correct this instrument, as you may perceive it, to the pure third-density aspect of the sub-Logoic mind.

Each collection of symbols and signs, vocalized in sound vibration complexes and encoded in your squiggly lines, is not, shall we say, disconnected from creation. Each has its own lineage that can be traced back to the language of the Logos itself, that primal spark of communication and vocabulary that transpires between the seemingly separate parts in the manyness of the one Creator.

That language which you describe as Lakota is, we may say, less distorted than those of the more complex societies, this language having a closer relationship with the earth about those through whom this language evolved. It rings with many, many lifetimes of reverence for your mother earth. It encodes an awareness of the divine which flows through all things, which those of your other more complex languages have moved away from, shall we say, to some degree, in that illusory spectrum of distance and closeness, of purity and impurity.

And, indeed, thanks to the many generations who came before and used this language for sacred purposes, for opening pathways into those subtle and nonphysical realms, these too are words of power in their own way which, when used and invoked and vocalized with a being vibrating with an open heart and a dedication to the seeking and serving of the One Creator, may cause resonances within the self and within those inner planes of those who have worked with this language and these people, and even those who may have no historical association, shall we say, but may respond to the call of this particular vibration as vibrated by these particular word forms and word energies. That you feel this resonance and connection to this language is, we may suggest, a pathway worth considering and pursuing upon your own journey.

Is there a follow up to this question? We are those of Q’uo.


Anika Thank you so much, Q’uo. I just have a brief follow up. I am, when I sing the song, and as I’ve been singing this song, I have had a strong feeling to sing this song to others to share these words in the song with other beings. I was wondering if you could speak to that, that feeling I have to share this with others, where that comes from?


Q'uo We are those of Q’uo and have received your query, my sister. We may offer that while certain forms, as they manifest in your world, be they song, art, architecture and so forth have various sorts of properties—some which may be more shareable than others, some which may compel the sharing more than others, some which may be desired to be shared by others—whatever the particular form, this impulse to share is not unique to this song, we may say. This impulse to share exists within all beings, both negatively and positively oriented. For the negatively oriented [entity] seeks to share its love of self, insisting that the other-self also participate in this loving of the one doing the sharing; to the point that that they are glad to enslave the other-self to this proposition. They are called upon a quest of conquest, which is their dark and negative way of, air quotes, “sharing.”

The positively oriented entity, conversely, wishes to give and share freely without expectation of return in order to be of service to others. That service may take on many forms. But some of its essential qualities include the desire to see others loved, cared for, respected; their free will remaining intact and unabridged. The positively oriented entity wishes to uplift others, if possible; to add beauty to the world; to be authentically themselves and radiate that out freely.

This is a journey that involves the lessening of self-judgment. The accepting of the self as it is. The permission, as you may see it, to be the self in a world where the self may be receiving cues which reflects back to the self that the self may not be the self; that the self should conform and be other than that which is true to the self.

It is a long journey of knowing, accepting, and trusting the self to be able, even, to be who the self is within your illusion regardless of the vibrations of other-self. This is not a recipe for insensitivity. It is rather just a quality of authenticity to discover that which lights you up inside, as you may say. This song or that song, to feel alive and animated and wanting to share this with others that they may be availed the same potential opportunity of being similarly uplifted, energized, connected, and open is, if we may qualify this, a beautiful impulse, my sister.

If you could but see a model of a society which, as a whole, has chosen the service-to-others path, you would see free sharing and giving of the self across the board, system-wide; each individual sharing that which inspires each individual—the song, the poem, the story, as it were—and the whole thus being benefited.

We too receive your song, my sister, the song in the form of the Lakota configuration, and the song of your being. For each is a note within the chorus of the Creator. And as each comes into harmonious relationship with each, each note finds its proportion relative to the whole that melody may be made.


Anika was was overwhelmed with emotion for those of Q'uo who she felt confirmed for her in an empowering loving way this contact which she felt in her heart was true. Their advice spoke directly to her conflicted and doubting conscious mind in a way that a simple affirmative never could and gave her the lifelong tools, the meditating in the mind of the Creator and the trusting of the deep mind, which she could use to meet these doubts should they arise again in the future.


The song which Anika asked about in her second question was a song which she had been singing prior to receiving the messages from Quetzalcoatl, she instinctively felt this was connected as a sort of "tuning process". Her third question about sharing this song was regarding the feeling she had to sing this to the group as part of a ritual of "group tuning" as a part of their procedure to make formal contact with Quetzalcoatl.


There was something else that those of Q'uo shared with Anika that is not a part of the transcripts. It was a feeling, an energetic sensation Anika had never experienced before. This sensation occurred prior to the channeling. When those of L/L Research left the room to make contact with Q'uo, the attendants milled about and chatted with one another. Anika was engaged in conversation when all of a sudden she felt a sensation she can only describe as if the air were a drum that had been firmly hit and shook with resonance. She immediately turned around mid conversation but saw only her fellow attendants happily socializing, no one else seemed to notice. About a minute or so later the channels returned and the session began. Anika did feel this energetic sensation again... during the first session with Quetzalcoatl.



The Quetzalcoatl Contact Begins


The group held many meetings, long discussions and ultimately devised a plan to gather and explore this contact together. The procedures and details of the making of such a difficult contact can be found below.



After the first session the transcript was shared with a small number of trusted fellow Law of One seekers and there was much excitement. The reaction was unanimously highly positive and as the sessions continued the transcripts were spreading. Anika had already had this website in place for her energy healing practice and decided it would be an ideal "hub" for these transcripts. The goal was to have an official source of the communication that would be free, easily accessible and would preserve the free will of all beings by making it only accessible to those who sought it.



Reception & Proliferation


The website was shared only with our small Law of One study group, however it seemed to almost immediately explode beyond our comprehension. None of us sought to promote this work in any public sense. Regardless of our hesitation to put it "out there", it seemed to spread on its own like wildfire and soon the website was getting thousands of views, messages and subscribers. We have had our lives changed in ways we could have never predicted and have been so touched, truly blessed, by the wonderful new connections we are making with wonderful beings all around the world.



Future of The Quetzalcoatl Contact


We will continue to explore this contact for as long as we are able. We will immediately cease this contact and make an announcement to the website if at any time we believe there is any sign of deceit, non-viability or corruption.


 It has been a blessing and joy we wish to share this with all who seek it. We cannot express deeply enough our gratitude for the kind words, encouragement and interest in this endeavor. In the words of Quetzalcoatl, "Love will prevail".




Our "About" section is undergoing an editorial overhaul and additions of many new sections of information as our team has recently grown! Expect continued updates over the next month.

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